
John Anderton's The Minority Report

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Chapter two of "The Minority Report" represents many features of the Pre-crime Commissioner John Anderton, but one of his qualities that was obviously found in his character was that his manner was not normal: For instance, he was cautious above all, suspected of his condition and the people around him, the fundamental suspect of Anderton was Witwer with the argument that once he was arrested, the pre-crime would be under his control; For example, when John Anderton understood his behavior, he turned to his better half Lisa, who examines the circumstances with her about how the general population tries to frame him purposefully and perniciously. John Anderton said: “This creature is out to get my job. The Senate is getting at me through him. “Lisa was not accepting what John A. Anderton told her, Lisa hesitantly saying, “It’s not really credible that Ed Witwer …show more content…

He won't need to hold up to the point that I leave." Even subsequent to demonstrating her the confirmation of what Witwer's intention was, which was domain his activity as Pre-crime Head Commissioner and detain him, she would in any case not trust him by any stretch of the

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