
John Calvinism Research Paper

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Calvinism- Calvinism is a religious sect derived from Protestantism. Its creator, John Calvin (1509–1564), was influenced by the humanist movement and Martin Luther to oppose the Catholic church and develop a religion based on his own beliefs. The main doctrine of Calvinism is predestination, which means that instead of earning salvation through worship, like the Catholic church preaches, humans were predestined by God, before the creation of the Earth, to either salvation or damnation. John Calvin published the belief system in 1536 in The Institutes of the Christian Religion; this marked the beginnings of the faith. Calvin’s reformation movement took off in the 1560’s and was centered in Geneva. It spread across Eastern and Central Europe …show more content…

Its founder, Benito Mussolini (1883–1945), was a socialist journalist who joined the far-right wing radicals and built a personal army known as “The Black Shirts”. This army was made up of war veterans and unemployed men who were upset with the Italian government for their response to the loss in World War I. Originating in Italy after WWI, fascism gained supporters and even intrigued Adolf Hitler in the 1930’s. Fascists made a stand in 1922 when they marched on Rome threatening to overturn the Italian parliament; and in response, the Italian King, Victor Emmanuel III (r. 1900–1946), made Mussolini the new Prime Minister of Italy. The doctrine of the “corporate state”, which Mussolini applied to Italian governance, is based on a utopian model where society is based on unity and obedience, and instead of the state serving the individual, like in a democracy, it promotes the concept of the individual serving the state. Mussolini was able to manipulate the angered public into giving up their personal freedoms in order to achieve a sense of nationalistic pride and economic growth through the use of totalitarian and authoritarian rule. Fascism and Mussolini inspired Hitler to make decisions, like blaming the Jew’s for Germany’s hardships after World War I, that would lead to one of the worst events of all time. As seen many times …show more content…

The plague spread to Europe with the migration of people and goods on ships. Little did they know that the disease was carried onto the ships, and eventually onto the land, by the fleas that lived on black rats that would stow-away in the vessels. The plague would continue to thrive in intervolves until the 18th century when it disappeared. The estimated death toll in the 14th century was between one-third to one-half of the entire population of Europe. The devastation from the Black Death was heightened in times of agricultural hardships because the resulting famine would hinder a person’s ability to fight off the disease. Cities would issue mandatory quarantines, stricter sanitation laws, and halt all travel. Many religious citizens believed that God was punishing them for their sins, which led to the persecution of Jew’s and public physical repentance in the form of brutal whippings. Due to the drastic loss in population, birth rates increased, as well as provided agricultural and economic opportunities that resulted in an overall increase in the standard of

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