John chapter 1:
In the first chapter the bible talks about how Jesus is the word he was in the beginning and will be there to the end, the chapter also talks about a person named john the Baptist, he was the man that was the first disciple, he was there and witnessed all the things God did and could go out and tell people about the wonders, he was also the one that got baptized to show people that it wasn’t just for the priest and so he kind of sent the bar for Christians.
John chapter 2: In the second chapter, it talks about how God first went to the wedding In Cana and when he was there the wine ran out so he instructed the servants to go fill the jars with water so they did and it turned to wine, Jesus then when on to cleanse the temple and he then after that found out what was really in man.
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John chapter 4:
In chapter four it talks about how Jesus meets with the Samaritan women and how she was a woman that had many husbands and that because Jesus died on the cross she was forgiven and so he told her to go and go back to her husband but she didn’t have one and that’s what Jesus is to women without men he is their bride groom.
John chapter 5:
The chapter talks about the healing at the pool on the Sabbath and Jesus met a man that asked Jesus to come and heal his son but Jesus said if you don’t believe then your son will die and so the man asked again and so Jesus said to go home because his son was waiting and healed. Without faith prayer and asking for help is useless.
John chapter
However, the father does not wholly believe in Jesus because he needs to articulate and swear that he does have faith in front of Jesus. Only after knowing that the father now truly believes in Jesus and his ability, Jesus heals the son by ordering the unclean spirit to leave the body alone. Jesus explains that prayer is needed to validate the faith of the non-believers because it acts as a measure of the quality of the faith that man has. This healing event compels the father, who is introduced as an uncertain believer, to completely believe in Jesus by expressing his faith
Chapter four examines the methods Jesus used to teach and spread his messages about the Kingdom of God. Jesus’s primary audience was the common people of first-century Galilee, so he had to adopt creative techniques to teach uneducated people about an unknown “fantastic” topic, the Kingdom of God. His strategy was successful; amassing a great amount of followers and started the foundation of modern Christianity. The methods he utilized, includes teaching through parables, debates and including examples with miracles and enacted parables.
In the Gospel of John 18-33B-37 Pilot and Jesus are having a conversation. Pilot asks Jesus if he is the King of the Jews. Jesus asks Pilot in return if he asked that question because he thought Jesus was the King of the Jews, or because he was told that. Pilot responds to Jesus and said that he was not a Jew and it was his own people who turned in. Pilot then asks Jesus what he has done to make them turn him in. Jesus answers and tells Pilot that his kingdom does not belong to the people of this world. He continues saying that if it did the people would be defending him instead of turning him in as they had done. Pilot asked Jesus for the second time if he was the King of the Jews. This time
Matthew chapter five is a sermon by Jesus. It tells us what perspective we ought to have in dealings with each other and with our attitude. Those who are weak shall be strong, and those who mourn shall be comforted tell of positive actions or humility being rewarded. Jesus goes through a list of these, exalting the poor and the weak. Mt. 5:17-20 is between the first section of what actions are righteous and before the section of what seem to be his own version of commandments relative to the law. It says that all shall be done and judged through and by him. So he gave a perspective on the humble and then judged the law. He tells people to be righteous and then tells them the manner in which to
John 4:17, “17 The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no
Growing up as an African American in a white world in the late 1800’s was incredibly ruthless. Even after slavery, blacks had a hard time trying to get work, education or civil rights. Education was a major topic in debate for blacks and whites. Education, the most important thing in life, acts as the key to a person 's future. Education leads to knowledge, and knowledge leads to power. It teaches humans how to prosper and make good decisions. With a good education, people hold the ability to achieve all types of goals, and more doors will open for them. African-Americans held every right to obtain this basic human right. White and blacks took on many different paths with education and W.E.B. Du Bois tell a short story about it all.
But here he is wanting heaven to send down fire on anyone who opposed Jesus. Eventually John grew out of his zealous ways. He is a man of many nicknames, but after a lifetime of walking with Jesus we know him as the disciple of
John Chapter three and four have two very different characters speaking to Jesus. In chapter three there is a Jewish leader named Nicodemus who approaches Jesus at night in the darkness. Then we have a Samaritan woman who is hated by the Jews speaking to Jesus in the middle of the day in bright daylight. Nicodemus comes out of the darkness to speak to the true light of Jesus Christ and the Samaritan woman who is in the day light does not even recognize Jesus as the true light of the world at first. Jesus tells Nicodemus that he must be born form above to be able to enter the kingdom of God. Nicodemus was confused by what Jesus said but Jesus explained that the Son of Man must be lifted up and everyone who looks at the
Lowe’s also has a service called Lowebot. This innovative robotic device has been sent out to stores in California. “For nearly two years, we’ve studied how robots in our San Jose Orchard Supply Hardware store can help customers more effectively navigate the store to find products and assist employees with inventory scanning,” said Kyle Nel, executive director of Lowe’s Innovation Labs (Product). Lowebot can assist a customer looking for specific products as well as show them where they are. The device can also scan for prices, and answer less complicated questions, therefore leaving more time for employees to offer project expertise and personalized service. This device is being tested in California and has been a great hit so far.
The Gospel of John, the last of the four gospels in the Bible, is a radical departure from the simple style of the synoptic gospels. It is the only one that does not use parables as a way of showing how Jesus taught, and is the only account of several events, including the raising of Lazarus and Jesus turning water into wine. While essentially the gospel is written anonymously, many scholars believe that it was written by the apostle John sometime between the years 85 and 95 CE in Ephesus. The basic story is that of a testimonial of one of the Apostles and his version of Jesus' ministry. It begins by telling of the divine origins of the birth of Jesus, then goes on to prove that He is the Son of
John as we know today was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus. He was also the brother of James, who was also an apostle. John was the son of Zeebee and of Salome. His father was a fisherman while living in Bethsaida in Galilee on the border of the lake Gennesareth. John's mother was one of many women who gave to the maintenance of Jesus Christ. John's parents were very good people, they loved God and his son. It is said that john and his brother James were fishing when Jesus came and chose them. They were soon known as the fishers of men. The John of whom I am talking about is John the Evangelist.
Mark was an evangelist. He was not one of the original twelve disciples. His surname was “John” (Acts. 12:12,25). His Roman name was “Marcus”. This name was more commonly used rather than his Jewish name John (Acts 4:10; 13:5,13, Mark 15:39, and 1 Tim. 4:11). He was the son of Mary, a woman of influence and wealth. Mark was born in Jerusalem (Acts 12:12) and was the cousin of Barnabas (Col. 4:10). It was at his mother’s house that Peter found them praying when he was delivered out of prison. It was probably here that Mark got converted by Peter (Mark14:51-52). The date of the book was before A.D. 70 and It was titled
1. In John 13, begins with Jesus has his last meal with all of His apostles. The point of Jesus in this teaching is that he knew who his true disciples were because they had placed all their love and faith in Him. During Jesus the last feast, He knew the devil had already fed his betrayer who was Judas Iscariot (John 13:2). Jesus wrapped a towel around his waist and filled water in the basin and He began washing His disciple’s feet (John 13:4-7). In Palestine, foot washing was very common because people wore sandals out in the street which were filthy, and filled with animals’ excrement (Duke, 1995). According to Duke, it was an honor to have guests and for them to feel valued by having slaves to wash their master’s guest’s feet (1995). Now, here is Jesus as a servant washing his apostles’ feet because that was His way of showing how much they meant to Him (Lett, 2016). His true apostles told Him, “You shall never wash my feet” yet, the opposite of what His betrayer asked Him, “Lord, do you wash my feet” (John 13:6-9). The point of this was to show that Jesus took their feet and “pulled them down a hard path of embarrassment, resistance, acquiescence, assurance—then commands us to get up and love like Christ” (Duke, 1995, p. 398).
The main purpose for this essay is to discuss whether or not youth culture is saturated with porn? The essay aims to highlight what youth culture is and how it can be affected? This will take into account a number of sources, research including The Academy of Paediatrics and Colett (2014) in order to establish a definition of what the term youth culture truly is. It will then discuss what porn is and how it can affect a young person and finally how educators can approach such a sensitive topic. What is youth culture? Youth culture is the way adolescents live their lives and the social normalities, values and practices they share. Colette identifies that “youth culture is not so easily defined and is rapidly changing.” This identifies an issue in itself that because of rapid change youth can find it difficult to define them selves, who they are and what they want. There are many areas in society that affect youth culture, these include: music and film, literature, social media, sexual attitudes, sub cultures, political and commercial influences, and a constant battle to challenge traditions. In more recent years young people are feeling more pressure by society in many ways but none so as high as sexual pressure. The age people are beginning to have their first sexual experience is on a rapid decrease with some known cases as young as 10, along side the amount of sexual promiscuity is on the increase. Television and radio advertisement, movies and everyday music young people
Ambition is defined as a strong desire to do or achieve something. It has an important role in William Shakespeare’s play the Tragedy of Macbeth.