Without knowing John Denver personally, it can be easily inferred that he had a connection to nature. It is as if nature played a metaphoric role as his security blanket. In many of his songs he referred to the sun and nature in a personal manner. Although John Denver peaked during the 1960s and 70s, he longed for a simpler and quieter time, and that is very evident in his music. John Denver’s, “Fly Away”, tells about the need to, well, fly away. He is telling a story about a woman who is seemingly lonely and desires the lively energy that perhaps a family, love, and nature would bring.
When people find themselves living in the gloomy, cold, dark shadow of their failure, it either pushes them down harder and more unforgivingly, or it is used
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Country life, laid back but sometimes lonely, can also be exhausting. Some people crave the soothing freedom of nature and some desire the bustling energy the city brings. The difference of living and actually feeling alive are two different entities that can be easily defined by the location where one lives. It is possible to feel alone in a crowded room, and it is also possible to feel loved and completely content while in solitude. For the woman in the song, it is evident she is craving to feel alive even though she is surrounded by almost everything. This is evident when Denver says, “Life in the city can make you crazy for sounds of the sand and the sea,” and it is true. Being surrounded by manmade sounds like car horns, doors opening and closing, and human voices can get to be too much. Sometimes the sounds of nature are the most calming, peaceful, and soothing. This theme consciously continues onto the next line, “Life in a high-rise can make you hungry for things that you can’t even see.” Again, city life can be overwhelming and forces the desire of natural surroundings to become present. How one deciphers their happiness is different from person to person. Something as simple as being able to see the stars at night or breathe fresh air could be more important than the ease of having the world at one’s fingertips in the
We learn from the first paragraphs that focusing on the scenery will help her forget the nervous depression which she has been diagnosed with: ""So, I will let it [her illness] alone and talk about the house"(947). The main character’s focus on the environment is the reason for which the reader gets plenty of information about the setting.
Banjo does this to persuade the reader in believing that the country lifestyle which is portrayed as free, clean and laid back is better than the city lifestyle which is portrayed as dirty, hot and boring. Banjo also makes the reader believe that the attractiveness of living off the land and idealizing the country life as a drover making the quality of life in the country seems greater than in the city.
Throughout the novel Fly Away Peter, published in 1982, David Malouf explores many binary opposites as a way to map Jim’s existence. Some of the opposites explored by Malouf include life and death, war and peace, and, innocence and experience. While exploring each set of opposites individually, Malouf is also able to touch on other sets of opposites in the process. For example Malouf explores war and peace hand in hand with light and dark. Malouf explores most of these opposites through the protagonist, Jim Saddler, the supporting characters of Jim’s father and Ashley Crowther, as well as the setting and the structure. The main opposite explored throughout Fly Away Peter is innocence and experience. At the beginning of the novel Jim is portrayed
The song is about a person from the south who is trying to persuade others to visit the south, so they can experience the peaceful and joyful feeling of the winds and skies. The person starts off by telling the audience how they would spend their time if they were to visit the south. This is expressed when the person sings “Whistling tunes that you know and love so” The person goes on to express the feeling of the southern skies. “It’s rich precious beauty/It goes running through the soul”. The speaker then tells a story told of old as an analogy to the feeling of the southern skies. “Old man/He and his dog that walks the old land”. The speaker goes on to wish the world was as peaceful as the southern skies. “Wish I could/Stop this world from fighting”. Finally the southern person sings of how the Southern Nights are mysterious by singing “Mystery… In the southern skies”.
Hardships have the power to make a break a person, as Roman poet, Horace, once said, “Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which in prosperous circumstances would have lain dormant”. Everyone has or will have to face adversity at some point in their lives, it is a universal truth. Although misfortunes usually have a negative connotation, depending on the struggle and how one deals with it, it is likely the person will come out of misfortune better prepared for the world. Contrastly, if a person never experienced any hardships, they would lack a sophisticated understanding of the world and lack the ability to handle difficult situations. Adversity gives people strength they can not obtain with success.
Napoleon Hill once stated, “Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.” From George Washington to Nelson Mandela, greatness is cultivated from adversity during turbulent times. Horace’s assertion is correct in view of the fact that adversity causes people to act, reveals vulnerabilities, and forces people to adapt.
While explaining his new daily routine, he expressed his views on the city, “I began to like New York, the racy, adventurous feel of it at night, and the satisfaction that the contrast flicker of men and women and machines give to the restless eye” (56). When he says this, his tone is a tinge of sadness but mostly acceptance. It doesn’t seem to affect or bother him that he feels solitary in a big city. He admits that he feels lonely, but he also believes other people in New York feel lonely as well. Showing that even though a big city can be exciting and filled with opportunities, it’s not always as grand as people make it
Adversity is an inevitable component of human’s lives. Without it, individuals would glide through their existences without any mishappenings along the way and life would be nearly perfect. While this situation seems ideal, it is unrealistic and actually detrimental to personal development. The obstacles people face play a key role in shaping who they become. Without difficulties, individuals will not be exposed to real, purposeful problem solving skills. They will not receive the opportunity to face adversity head on and potentially come out victorious, all while learning a lesson and improving themselves along the way. If people become apathetic to their troubles, they are actually admitting a defeat. They will not get the chance to experience the satisfaction that is a result of besting misfortunes. In order to do this, individuals must use the pressure that these troubling times cause to their advantage by holding onto hope and the value of life. In The Shawshank Redemption, the text creator develops the idea that anyone can overcome the most terrible of situations if they remain patient, optimistic and logical. When Andy Dufresne is imprisoned as a result of false accusations, he uses his fortitude to inspire hope within other prisoners and eventually escape the harsh confinement. On the other hand, Red is transformed from a spiteful convict to an optimistic man upon meeting Andy. When individuals are placed under immense pressure over a long period of time, then they
Individuals look at a home has a place of shelter and a place of refuge after a long day. In Marilyn Dumont case, her home is more than just a home. It’s a sense of serenity. The poem is about a mother who is faced with a huge loss of her child. The loss that happens in the poem are some that individuals in that situation would not want to face alone. Coping with such a tragedy in her case would be through her child carrying in his or her life through the land that the speaker holds so close to her. In the poem “Not just a Platform for my Dance”, Marilyn Dumont uses landscape and nature as a coping method to help find serenity.
Adversity has a way of bringing up challenges unexpectedly, most people shrink away from it and get consumed, but when they push through it people come out stronger than they were before.
I believe it to be true of the whole human race that when something pushes you down you look to find a way out of it. We always try our best to overcome adversity and that can make us stronger. In many cases the workers that a lot of us pay to clean and cook are faced with adversity from the start. As young kids growing up having very little it’s difficult to get out of
People tend to feel the most happiness in their daily lives rather than happiness over all. For instance, if someone opens the door for you, does something outrageous, tells a funny story or simply reacts kindly to you, you can experience happiness. Laughing at someones joke can cause you to feel happy even for just a moment. Another definition of happiness in our daily lives is self appreciation such as, getting that new raise, getting an A on a test or even getting into the college you want. These examples all cause happiness in different but still rather large ways. We seem to think that happiness is so difficult to come by, we focus so hard on what happiness is that we don't even realize the simple things in life that are truly making a difference. We can become significantly happy without even noticing. Although happiness seems like it’s hard to find it’s not all that difficult. What’s hard to come by is the feeling of genuine happiness ; genuine happiness is what people truly look for.
The word “failure”, by definition, is the condition of not achieving the desired end or ends. However, this standard definition does not come close to summing up the countless other meanings of failure. Every person, regardless of status, color, or sex, has had to deal with this issue at least once in their lifetime. Even so, each person’s definition of it can vary depending on their personal experiences. The interpretations of failure may differ, but failure itself involves not putting forth effort, being a disappointment, or not succeeding in a task.
Failure often times leads a person to feel helpless, disappointed and depressed. However,one should not allow this to set them back in trying to achieve the ultimate aim one has set out to do. Failure in the beginning can often be a powerful incentive to reassess one’s position in wanting to achieve the particular aims; to analyse whether the purpose is worth the trouble the person has to undergo and the whether the obstacles are surmountable.
This concept applies to life as well. When one overcomes their challenges, the knowledge gained from that experience merely provides them with the necessary tools to face a more difficult situation. This continues on until they are finally able to cope with difficulties that they initially never would have been able to. Unfortunately the man accepts the stool that the doorkeeper offers him where “he sits for days and years.” The man never gains any sort of stature, for he looses out on all of the potential growth he could have gained by standing up to the doorkeeper. Before the man knows he has reached a state where he is looked down upon, and questions asked of him “are put indifferent, as great lords put them.” Unaware of the hole he has dug for himself, the man eventually loses total sight of his original goal of reaching ‘the law’, and “the man fixes his attention almost continuously on the doorkeeper.” He even reaches the point of begging the fleas in the doorkeeper’s coat to grant him access to ‘The Law’ If only the man would have realized from the beginning that the gate was placed there for his own personal self-development. The lessons he could have learnt by pushing beyond the initial doorkeeper would have built him into a totally new