
John F. Kennedy: A Short Story

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Irene ran her fingers over the rim of the envelope, and looked across the room. Oswald was there, as cool as ever. Irene hoped she would never be one of these cheesy, hopeless romantic types, but as cliche’ as it sounded, she couldn’t help but fall for Oswald’s reserved and mysterious nature. Was it wrong for her to picture her to envision him riding a motorcycle everywhere? No, His long scarf would get caught in the wheels, and he never does anything with his scarf off his face. She initially didn’t know what to think about him, like everyone else. When he first refused to talk to anyone, a lot of people passed him off for just another edgy lord, but that all changed when poetry month came along freshman year. He had such a way with words, and his handwriting was exquisite. Why would he ever keep this all to himself!? It was at this point that Irene started her deep-rooted obsession with the eccentric boy. …show more content…

The winter formal was coming up, and she was going to invite him. She wrote the note on a napkin while at breakfast the other day and read it over and over again, like it was an oral presentation. “Dear Oswald. I don’t know if you’ve actually noticed me around, but I would like you to know that I like your poetry. It’s very well thought out, and I haven’t ever read anything like it. I would like to discuss the deeper side of it, because I got multiple meanings out of it and want to know your perspective on it. If I may, I would like to invite you to the Winter Dance on next Friday. If you don’t want to, it’s fine, you can keep the ticket, just please consider. Sincerely, Irene

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