
John F. Kennedy: A True Hero

Decent Essays

When making a list of heroic presidents through out history, one might choose to list the president who said this “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” This president made decisions based on his people’s needs and approval. This president put his nation first. This president is John F. Kennedy. Through his courage, loyalty, and his leadership in helping others, it’s easy to see in him, his true heroism. But mostly in the way in which he commenced the turning around of America for the better. John F. Kennedy was a large and important advocate in taking on the task of creating peace between countries and the soviet union during the treacherous world war. (Birnbaum) Kennedy paid with his life, for …show more content…

The president was aware of the cultural and psychological devastation of the threat of Nuclear war” (Birnbaum). He tried to be loyal to his people by trying to prevent these things as much as possible. For his people he convinced Kruschev of his Loyalty, good faith, and his ability to make his good intentions into political reality. (“John F. Kennedy” PennState) The approval of his citizens was the most important consideration when he made decisions. The devotion to his citizens was deep-seated. He was of a democratic leadership. (“John F. Kennedy” PennState) When John F. Kennedy’s brother died, his father told him he now was responsible for taking on the role intended for his brother. That of which was to accomplish the fate of becoming the first president to be of the Catholic religion. This, he indeed fulfilled and stayed loyal to. (“John F. Kennedy” History) “The president warned that the purpose of the soviet missiles in Cuba could be “none other than to provide a nuclear strike capability against the Western Hemisphere” and that he would protect the United States from such a threat no matter what the cost” (Miller Center: University of Virginia). He was in such a way, loyal to his people. He truly tried in whole heartedness to do what he felt was best for his

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