
John Forbes Nash's A Beautiful Mind: Schizophrenia

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A Beautiful Mind Commentary

“Schizophrenia is a chronic and severe mental disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves.” ("Schizophrenia") People with schizophrenia are not able to discern what is real from what is not. But, even though; this disease can have disabling symptoms, it does not make it impossible to make great rational thinking. An example of this is John Forbes Nash, a Nobel Prize winner mathematician who suffered from schizophrenia. John used his beautiful mind to create the game theory, trespassing the setbacks of the disease. The movie a beautiful mind illustrates his life, and how the disease affected him and his personal life.

Nash was an introverted person, it was hard for him to relate to others as he believed that knowledge was the most important thing in a person. Also, it was common that he he sought for recognition. The causes of his behavior can be analyzed from three different perspectives; biology, mind and environment.

The biology perspective states that many different genes can increase the chances of getting schizophrenia, …show more content…

This cause seems the more accurate to describe john's life as he got frustrated easily. John studied in princeton, an ivy league college, this university has academic excellency. Many important people such as einstein had taught there. This made John feel motivated to stand out and be recognized. Also his friend Charles pressured him to do more, he was always telling him that he could not stay in college for all his life. All these motivated john to do something extraordinary, and he finally did as he created the game theory. Finally alicia was Nash´s escape from the maddening crowd, she was always there for him, and she encouraged him to pursue what he loved even after he realized he had

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