
John Galt Essay

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Who Is John Galt?
Rationality is a virtue integral to the concept of Objectivism as defined by Ayn Rand.
Stripped of any context or connotation, to be rational means simply: to make sense. A rational belief or idea is held not on faith, nor is it influenced by emotion. Rational thought is supported by fact and is deduced by means of critical thinking, reason, and logic. John
Galt is the embodiment of all that is rational; he is the sole voice of reason, struggling to be heard over a resounding chorus of sheer lunacy. Galt represents the conscience of the every-man, serving to remind those with ears keen not only to hear - but to listen, of their primal purpose in this life: themselves. In stark contrast to the politicians and businessmen in Atlas Shrugged, who bellow televangelist-style diatribes designed to garner support, using …show more content…

It is said that seeing is believing, and Galt’s own happiness and self-defined success constitute ample tangible evidence that he is not only right - but righteous.
Galt is first introduced to us in the opening line of Atlas Shrugged, “Who is John Galt?” (3). A colloquialism of the times, “Who is John Galt?” is often posed rhetorically, much to the ire of protagonist Dagny Taggart, in response to ponderings not easily reconciled or requiring too deep a cerebral delve for the layman. It is a delightful irony, we learn, that the same name commonly used as a cop-out and justification for responsibilities shirked, is that of the man accountable, in the end, for the abdication of deliberate ignorance and apathy. Dagny, like
Galt, is an intellectual, motivated solely by intrinsic values. The satisfaction of a job well-done, the pride of progress, and the thrill of innovation fuel their ambition. Like

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