
John Locke Absolutism Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Rachel Mathews
H 102 A
Reading Response 3
I. Quote
a. “Hence it is evident, that Absolute Monarchy, which by some Men is counted the only Government in the World, is indeed inconsistent with Civil Society, and so can be no Form of Civil Government at all.”
b. This quote is significant because it explains how John Locke does not agree with Absolutism, which is in my definition, political philosophy that argues that you need a strong ruler with complete, controlling power in order to make people happy and keep things in line. John Locke is a constitutional theorist. He does not believe that Absolute Monarchy should be any form of civil government because in an Absolute Monarchy, people does not have natural rights and there is no …show more content…

Hobbes, in most of this excerpt, explains how he believes that absolutism is essential for men and that the nature of men needs three principal causes of quarrel which are competition, insecurity, and glory. He believes that people had power but people gave it up to higher authority to keep things in line. Overall, he believes that absolutism is needed in order to receive power.
b. “James I: True Law of Free Monarchies and a Speech of Parliament”
This excerpt, by James I of England, was also about absolute monarchy. He explains a good king will subject and frame his action and believes that God chooses the kings (gods by God). He states that kings are called God and they are compared to father of families according to scripture. He believes that kings should choose their actions according to their laws and that they need to be faithful. He, also, defended Catholics.
c. “Saint Simon: Court of Louis XIV”
This excerpt was about the court of Louis XIV and how Louis XIV practiced absolutism. Louis XIV adored being praised and worshipped and when he moved to the palace of Versailles, he was treated how he wanted, like a God. He believed that his Ministers are only good because of him. In this excerpt, he created conflict with the

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