
John Locke Diary Report

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John Locke’s Diary January, 1863 Today is January 1st, today was probably the worst day of my life, it has been a year since my last entry, as usual, I have been to many battles with many different horses, I have few horses of my own left, and I will soon have to purchase them from others, or else I will have to join the infantry. Today I was at home, my wife was tending to my wounds, I had been shot in the leg in my last battle, and I am lucky to be breathing right now. It took a great deal of money to get the medicine for my leg, so that it would not get infected, but it was a good thing I had my slaves working on my plantation earning me more money, but that is exactly why January 1st, was the worst day of my life. The Emancipation Proclamation had been signed, which not only stated that all slaves are free, but that they may join in the fight against the Confederacy, and all the slaves who are now free will …show more content…

I was worried sick that day that I would lose everything I have. I hired guards to watch over my slaves to make sure they don't try to run anywhere, and I ordered them to hunt down and kill any slaves that try to run away. On January 4th, I heard that the Union had seized the Mercury, one our blockade runners, but on the next day, January 5th, we the Confederated surrounded the Union force at Jonesville and took 200 prisoners from the battle, this was good news, and I was happy to hear it after a long time with only bad news. But on January 11th, bad news started to rain in again. I received news regarding the battle of Fort Hindman, we lost 5,000 men, and we also lost Fort Hindman, we were attacked by the Union Navy and infantry, the Union had nearly ten times more men than us, and after the Confederate army stationed at the fort lost its artillery and outer

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