While I was reading “Second Treatise of Government”, by John Locke I had many agreements and disagreements. Many of his arguments are valid, but many of them seem too extreme. Throughout the article, Locke talks about how the government is obligated to serve the people by protecting life, liberty and property. He explained how the governments power had to be limited, which it’s the result of check and balances. He believed that if the government violated an individual rights, that person had the right to rebel. Also, Locke used natural reasons of the word and facts from the bible to make sure he was being understood. His argument is clear and strong, either by nature or by religious views the world is for the people to live in, survive, and use for benefit. John Locke’s concept of liberty is sustainable economically, politically, and environmentally. He also states certain restrictions towards people. For example, he puts a limitation of the amount of things that can be taken from nature. Nothing can go to waste; from food to land. Each person owns their own labor to be able to work on, but if the land is not being worked, that person loses their private right to work on the land. Locke defines labor as value/tool, these makes humans life more adventurous and worthy. Once the land is obtain …show more content…
He stated that all useful goods such as water, food and clothing are very significant; “But since gold and silver, being little useful to the life of man in proportion to food, raiment, and carriage, has its value only from the consent of men…” (50). Land owners grow food, fruits, etc. I wouldn’t call it an advantage as in selling it to others since it can be seen as a trade. It can be seen as survival mode. Locke states that at the beginning of the world (America), money was not known and as time has passed, men have begin to enlarge their possessions. The more they obtain the more they’ll leave
The Second Treatise of Government provides Locke's theorizes the individual rights and involvement with the government; he categorizes them in two areas -- natural rights theory and social contract. 1.Natural state; rights which human beings are to have before government comes into being. 2.Social contact; when conditions in natural state are unsatisfactory, and there's need to develop society into functioning of central government.
John Locke’s main idea was that the government should only be there to protect and provide for the people. He thought that society would be better if the government wasn’t so persistent in the lives of citizens. He also believed that people should deserve natural rights. It was his belief that people were born with these rights and that these rights should never be violated by anyone, including the government. He stated “[men are in] a state of perfect freedom to order their actions, and dispose of their possessions and persons, as they think fit, within the bounds of the law of nature…” (Doc. A). In other words, this quote shows that Locke believes that humans have natural rights and that people should be free to use them however they please. Therefore, he believed that no one, especially the government, should have power over peoples’ natural
In the text “Second Treatise of Government” by John Locke various themes were presented such as the theme of Dissolution of Government and the Dissolution of the Society. If the society or government is corrupt then it won’t work in either way according to my opinion. In order to have a stable government, a stable society it is necessary to have which provides rules and regulations. Imagine a society without rules & regulations. How chaotic it must be without order and discipline. If both the government and the society work with each other it creates some form of order. In most countries today people do not have a voice in government. The feature I thought about in this particular chapter is about politics in general. I thought about
While reading the “The Second Treatise of Government,” you can notice and see that John Locke has a strong standing for civil rights as well as helping with the development of the Constitution of the United States. He states that the “consent of the governed,” is basically saying that communities are not put together by the divine right or ruled by. Paternal, familial, and political are types of powers that John Locke mentions that have all have unlike characteristics. He inspired others to believe in and want equal rights and democracy. John Locke talks about the state of nature, which basically states that no one has the power to be ruler of someone, as well as they are able to do what they want in a freely matter. In other words people are born just like anyone else that is born, and should have equally rights to property, health, and liberty, and that no one should have the power over anyone. Everyone should be able to live and enjoy his or her own freedom and wellbeing. However, the state of nature is not a guarantee to have natural laws, which could help with the protecting of one’s property. According to him having your own personal freedom was the true meaning of state of nature. John Locke thought that people were following his faith in human rationality through the declaration of Locke. John Locke states that if the government takes away from others for them to empower them then the people have right and opportunity to go against
John Locke argued for individual freedom. If we had individual freedom we would have a strong government. Locke said it was necessary to a good government. Locke wrote “People are naturally free and have the right to maintain their freedom.”(Document A) To keep this freedom people needed to construct a government that has both an executive and a legislature. To Locke a government created by the people was the best government in his futuristic sense of
In his writings, he proclaimed his opinion of mans natural right. He believed every man had the right to life, liberty, and property. That the government should put its efforts into protecting these God given rights, for the power the government holds is given to it by the people. Locke states, “But though men, when they enter into society give up the equality, liberty, and executive power they had in the state of Nature into the hands of society. . . ” He is explaining the sacrifices people make by moving into an organized society. He states that by giving up these things, protection is placed upon the persons property, because governments make laws to protect each citizens rights. However, in some cases, when the general public believe fit, the people can remove their legislative power. They then can replace it with someone who respects the power given to them, and follows the peoples wishes instead of their own
John Locke was born on August 29, 1632, into a middle class family during late Renaissance England. Locke started his studies at Christ Church in Oxford. He then went into medical studies and received a medical license, which he practiced under Anthony Cooper. They became friends, and when Cooper became Earl of Shaftesbury, Locke was able to hold minor government jobs and became involved in politics. Shaftesbury steered Locke towards the views of a government whose law was fair to all, and all were under the law.
In the context as a whole, Locke argues that individuals should be free to make choices about how to conduct their living so long as they do not interfere with the liberty of others. He also stipulates that the ownership of private property is limited. Locke also means more than the common land and goods that can be taken away from the government under
In the beginning of Locke’s section we are given a quote about Sir Robert Filmer. Sir Robert Filmer really only gives the view from Aristotle which is that the sovereign and the people are two different things. For this view, the people are the ones who do NOT have the political power and Locke is against that view. he believes that the people are the ones who have the political power. For Locke, the state of nature is that all men are free. Society consists of all free individuals and each of those individuals lives their OWN life with their OWN desires. I also agree with his idea that “liberty is not license.” Freedom does not mean that you have the ability to do absolutely whatever you want. There are still laws that you must abide
Money is something that lasts a long time and will not spoil with time and provided a common value in which to use in trading. With this agreement, money began to represent wealth in the goods and services. With money, people were able to expand their possessions creating a vaster amount of unequal possessions. Locke states that with the use of money, “that by mutual consent men would take in exchange for the truly useful” (22). This shows that men, whether they realized it or not, have consented to having more disproportionate and unequal possessions voluntarily when they agreed to use money. This was not something that was imposed on the people by stronger men; this is what the people agreed to.
Locke’s main discussions of freedom took place in his work entitled Two Treatises on Government. These views were built upon the view of a natural state in which every individual maintained a state of natural freedom. In this natural state, each individual was free to make decisions and choose actions without any constraints. Locke felt that under this view every individual should maintain equal and independent and refrain from harming one another. However, the main problem in this concept of freedom is that fact that an individual’s free will can be constrained by the actions of another.
In his Second Treatise on Government Locke focus’ on liberalism & capitalism, defending the claim that men are by nature free and equal against the idea that God had made all people subject to a king. He argued that people have ‘natural rights’, such as the right to life, liberty, and property, that hold the foundation for the major laws of a society. He says, “…we must consider, what state all men are naturally in, and that is, a state of perfect freedom to order their actions, and dispose of their possessions and persons as they think fit.” (2nd Treatise, Chapter 2, sec 4). John Locke used this claim, that all men were naturally free and equal, for understanding the idea of a government as a result of a social contract. This is where people in the state of nature transfer some of their rights to the government in order to better guarantee the steady and comfortable enjoyment of their lives, liberty, and property.
Locke’s thought on having a king, laws, and a civil society under a social contract was so all men can enjoy and protect their rights. Where all men obtain the right to life, all humans have the right to live and life shouldn't be taken away from another human being. The right to liberty, protecting an individual's freedom and unreasonable detention. The right to property, a citizen in which Locke thought a human's labour was his own, anything created or made should remain that individuals as well and the right to rebel against unjust rulers and laws.
Besides the right to self-preservation, Locke also believed that all individuals had a natural right to property, “the labour of his body, and the work of his hands, we may say, are property his,” (pg. 128, 27). This natural right carried with it two preconditions of natural law. First, since God gave the earth to all individuals, people must be sure to leave enough property for others to have, the second
Locke believed that God put people on this earth to make the grounds fertile and to harvest from the earth. Locke argued that modern day political society is simply an evolution of the state of nature that was needed to deal with the problems arising from people governing themselves in the state of nature. “I easily grant, that Civil Government is the proper Remedy for the Inconveniences of the State of Nature” (Pg276) “For ‘tis not every Compact that puts an end to the State of Nature between Men, but only this one of agreeing together mutually to enter into one Community, and make one Body Politic” (Pg276-277) Locke believed that governments were supposed to be operating within the laws of nature governing over the people to keep them in a state of nature. Though this is not what happened as governments were formed and currency was created a monetary value began being placed on property and people no longer only grew what was necessary for their