
John Locke Second Treatise Of Government Summary

Decent Essays

While I was reading “Second Treatise of Government”, by John Locke I had many agreements and disagreements. Many of his arguments are valid, but many of them seem too extreme. Throughout the article, Locke talks about how the government is obligated to serve the people by protecting life, liberty and property. He explained how the governments power had to be limited, which it’s the result of check and balances. He believed that if the government violated an individual rights, that person had the right to rebel. Also, Locke used natural reasons of the word and facts from the bible to make sure he was being understood. His argument is clear and strong, either by nature or by religious views the world is for the people to live in, survive, and use for benefit. John Locke’s concept of liberty is sustainable economically, politically, and environmentally. He also states certain restrictions towards people. For example, he puts a limitation of the amount of things that can be taken from nature. Nothing can go to waste; from food to land. Each person owns their own labor to be able to work on, but if the land is not being worked, that person loses their private right to work on the land. Locke defines labor as value/tool, these makes humans life more adventurous and worthy. Once the land is obtain …show more content…

He stated that all useful goods such as water, food and clothing are very significant; “But since gold and silver, being little useful to the life of man in proportion to food, raiment, and carriage, has its value only from the consent of men…” (50). Land owners grow food, fruits, etc. I wouldn’t call it an advantage as in selling it to others since it can be seen as a trade. It can be seen as survival mode. Locke states that at the beginning of the world (America), money was not known and as time has passed, men have begin to enlarge their possessions. The more they obtain the more they’ll leave

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