
John Locke, Thomas Hobbes And Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Decent Essays

Throughout life, there are many different beliefs and ideas on how all of us that are living now got us to where we are today. There are many different religions, morals, insights, and beliefs from where humanity and where we the people evolved from. More than less, people in our society are extremely interested in the foundation of how and where all of our social relationships are formed. There are many different factors that form into our belief systems and we believe things either because we have solid proof of what we want to believe in, or it is just that we are all gullible. A question that I continuously ask not only to myself but to others is, what is it about society as a whole that is exceedingly interesting? Also, what is it that …show more content…

The way the mind works, the way individual's work and the way society works is a topic of discussion amongst three philosophers. The proposal of the individual of oneself is a proposal that stems from something that is called the State of Nature. John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau convey the concept of what a State of Nature is. Each of the philosophers had many different world experiences that caused them to believe their own inference on what a State of Nature is, and what they published. The State of Nature is defined as “the idea of life without government, without a state or laws”(Lacewing, 1). Each of these philosophers believed in the State of Nature, and between the three of them, the meaning varies depending on their personal opinion. I will explain their perception of the State of Nature and how it is formed using both similarities and differences.
John Locke was an English philosopher in the seventh century. John Locke composed many varying …show more content…

From the formation of his beliefs and thoughts and experiences, he formed his opinion on the State of Nature. Jean-Jacques Rousseau believed that an individual is formed upon pleasure, and an individual can only agree and respond to morals when a civil society is formed, not when there is chaos. For the constant state of war, and the corruption of others along with the greater good, it is only that society is to be blamed. According to the Philosophy & Society lecture 6, it states that the “problem is finding a form of political association which will defend and protect the whole common force, the person and the goods of each associate as well as allow each associate, while uniting himself with all, to still obey himself alone and remain as free as before”(Honenberger, slide 3). Jean-Jacques Rousseau believed that people are viewed as “animated, not by reason, but by their inclinations, their instincts, and their appetites”(Honenberger, slide 4) Jean-Jacques Rousseau feels that there is not one individual that is born evil, they learn through other individuals and it is something that happens later in life. According to the Philosophy & Society lecture 6, it states that human potentiality stands the greatest chance of being realized is people abandon the State of Nature for a genuinely just social order”(Honenberger, slide 3). A constant state

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