
John Nye's Technological Determinism

Decent Essays

Nye’s purpose in the first reading is to try and formulate an accurate definition of technology as he sees the current state of the term, which more or less encompasses only complex machines such as computers, is a far too simplistic way to view what is and is not technology. He briefly runs through a history of what technology meant to different people’s at different times; using a stick as a weapon was a huge technological advancement many thousands of years ago but now technology seems to only be limited to complex machines. Nye believes that technology has always been intertwined with narratives or stories as one must be able to think narratively in order to create and utilize whichever technology they have when it is needed. Going off of this Nye also holds the belief that technology is “not just the objects but also the skills needed to use …show more content…

The second of Nye’s readings mainly goes through the concept of technological determinism and attempt to persuade the reader that while in our current cultural context technological determinism can seem legitimate, it is actually a farce and it is not technology that drives humanity but rather humanity drives …show more content…

Part of Nye’s argument that there is no such thing as technological determinism stems from the fact that even today there are many different cultures throughout the world that each use or refuse to use various technologies. If technological determinism was a legitimate theory then one would see growing homogeneity in the international system but it is quite clear that this is not the case in real life. The true main idea of this article is that there is “not just one future” for humanity because technology has not created a single path that humanity must follow but rather humans still have many choices currently and in the future that will shape the technologies that the different

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