
John P. Kotter's Leading Change

Satisfactory Essays

Leading Change

I just finished reading the book “Leading Change” by John P Kotter. If you happen to be a part of a church or organization that is wanting to move forward, I highly recommend this read.

Here’s a quick snip-it of the 8 steps to Leading Change that John Kotter lays out.

1. Establish a sense of urgency.
2. Create a powerful guiding coalition.
3. Create a vision to direct the change effort.
4. Communicate the change vision.
5. Increase broad-based action.
6. Generate short-term successes.
7. Consolidate gains, and produce more change.
8. Anchor new approaches in the organization’s culture.

Truth is, every leader is going to bring change; it’s integral to your role as a leader. Knowing how to do it well is probably one

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