
John Ronson Chapter 1-6 Summary

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After reading Chapters 1-6 of the Ronson book, answer these questions: 1 - What happened to Jon Ronson in the first chapter? The first chapter leads to the process and result of finding and exploring the meaning of a mysterious book that is commissioned in the lead of the lost puzzle. Deborah, a client, is a little idiotic, but writer John Ronson is interested in the ripple caused by the insanity of a man, and has an interest in his brain and madness. Then we decide to learn more about the influence of insanity in the process of social development. The writer wonders what the madness of the society is causing the deputy to embark on, the idea that only a person who committed a serious crime is not a psychopath, maybe political leadership, …show more content…

These feelings are still alive from the nonstop coverage of entertainers on the train to parents who force their children to show signs of their crime in the streets. Of course, there are various degrees of shaming, and some people claim to use it. Shame is powerful, and can form the behavior of the person being shamed and the people around him. Back in high school and college, there were (silly) things I did not do. For I have seen others rejected it as though I had never been again (foolish) because I was rejected because of it.Some of the most infamous shamed folks on the internet, including Justine Sacco (the AIDS tweet), Jonah Lehrer (plagiarism), and Lindsey Stone (Arlington …show more content…

(Explain) Justin Sacco, a publicist for IAC (an Internet company in the United States), traveled to South Africa and drew mischievous tweets to 170 followers. "I was a little nervous about the German passengers sitting next to me," and "The tasteless sandwiches I had at Heathrow airport in the UK." And the last tweet is "Go to Africa. I hope I did not get AIDS. It's just a joke. I am a white man! " Sacco says that this is not a racial sort of "only a colored person gets AIDS," but a satire of a certain white person's tendency to think that he does not care about the misfortunes and fears of the world. It is even said that Sacco’s family live in South Africa and support Nelson Mandela's political party, the African National Congress . However, I think the joke she spoke was one of the racism. First of all, I go to Africa, and I want to avoid getting HIV in Africa. It seems that African people are people who take AIDS. I also think that she mean white people do not have a effect from AIDS. 4 - Who was in the right in the Adria Richards vs. Hank Dongle

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