
John Ruskin The Significance Of Taking Action Essay

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The Significance of Taking Action “What we think, or what we know, or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence. The only consequence is what we do.” In this quote from John Ruskin, he asserts that ideas or beliefs mean nothing unless they are acted upon. John Ruskin’s quote about how beliefs and ideas must be put into use to change the world is an accurate statement because thoughts only exist in the person’s mind, ideas have no meaning unless something is done with those said ideas, and because the beliefs and actions of others could influence the actions of an individual. To begin with, this quote from John Ruskin establishes the importance of the difference between thinking of doing something, and actually doing it. Beliefs …show more content…

Without expressing beliefs or ideas, the thoughts simply exist in the person’s mind with no purpose. Something must be done with these ideas in order to give them meaning. In her piece, Goodbye Columbus, Mac McClelland voices her opinions on the employment and economy of Columbus, Ohio. McClelland writes this piece for the purpose of spreading awareness about the harsh working conditions, underpaying jobs, and unemployment inducing budget cuts in the city of Columbus. By following the story of two of her best friends and their daughter going through tough times, including many other personal experiences, McClelland shows the harmful effect the struggling economy has on many families throughout the city. With this piece, McClelland is implicitly addressing the politicians of Ohio, and through her writing, she implies that something must be done about working conditions and the economy to help support low-wage workers. Goodbye Columbus relates to the John Ruskin quote because the author had a certain belief, and instead of keeping it to herself, she took action and voiced her belief for the world to see. Her opinions on the preceding issues would not have made a difference, if she did not take action. Thus, the expression and use of ideas can make a difference, while keeping those ideas to oneself accomplishes

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