For some people the American Dream is nothing more than a dream but to others they believe the American Dream is completely possible.Someone who believes the dream is possible is John Steinbeck,in his essay he explain that his idea of the American Dream is growing old with your significant other in the suburbans.From my personal experience I don't believe in John’s idea because both of my grandparents are around sixty-five years old at this point of their lives they should thinking of retirement but instead the only thing on there mind is if they would be able to pay off next's month's rent.It's extremely heartbreaking to see my grandparents work so hard their entire lives to make a living in America and not pay off,its to a point where they had to rent out one of their rooms for some extra money.The American Dream is not attainable because of the paradoxical nature described by John Steinbeck. Americans are confused when it comes to simple task but believe they can do it.For instances in the essay,America and Americans “Is the American dream even possible” by John Steinbeck he says in paragraph four, “We spend our lives in motor cars, yet most of us-a great many of us at least do not know enough about a car too look in the gas tank when the motor fails.”This is one
If there was a favorable circumstance under which one could endeavour all their hopes and visions, wouldn’t one pursue it? The American Dream was introduced as an interpretation to cause the people of America in the early twentieth century to work tougher. The American Dream is the opportunity to reach the goals one sets for themselves. It is about having your dream job and life one has always fantasized about. The dream is also about having freedom and equality. In the novel, “Of Mice & Men”, John Steinbeck uses symbols and motifs such as the vicious slaughtering of virtuous animals, Crooks’ rubbish bunkhouse and Lennie and George’s deception of an ideal farm to exhibit the perception that materialistic success results in happiness is a major flaw in our thinking about the American dream, and it is this thinking which makes the dream unattainable for many.
Propaganda filters throughout the world to lean people’s views one way or another. In Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, he uses George and Lennie, Crooks, and Curley’s wife to demonstrate the American Dream. This is unattainable but is their motivation to carry on their daily on the ranch lives. George and Lennie’s actions revolve around their American Dream. In a conversation between George and Lennie they discuss their dream, George states “... We’re gonna get the jack together and we’re gonna have a little house and a couple of acres, an’ a cow and some pigs” (Steinbeck, 14). George says this to Lennie to motivate him to keep quiet and out of trouble so they can eventually reach these dreams. The American Dream can be defined as people
Today in America, some think the American Dream is fictional, and is exactly what it sounds like; just a dream. But the American Dream is achievable, and has been since the birth of this great country. The American Dream is an individualized goal that a person has which is usually very tough to achieve, but all have a chance to work toward it because of opportunities like high level education, jobs, and especially an equal chance to achieve one's desired life. America still provides access to the American Dream because regardless of background, current financial status, or race, the American Dream is achievable with hard work.
The American Dream is mostly impossible because of the amount of money that America is in debt. If America wasn’t as in debt as it is, the American Dream could be possible, but it would still be hard to accomplish. The American Dream began before the U.S was even born, starting in the 1600s
Two writers who come quickly to my mind whenever I hear or see images of American patriotism are John Steinbeck and Hunter S. Thompson. As different as these two men are, their writing is similar in that the American Dream constantly fails their characters. Both seek to define America and the American Dream, however, it remains seemingly elusive, and both writers fail to find it.
People living during the great depression had dreams but on seemed to be the most popular but with their own twist to their dream. The American dream is in the Declaration of Independence stating “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness”. This dream is called the American Dream. The American dream is a set of standards in which freedom includes the opportunity for prosperity and success that can be achieved through hard work and determination. Steinbeck uses the American dream to give each character a goal to work toward to. Each character had their own American Dream. Owning some land so you could live independently, to tend the rabbits or to be playing cards with the other guys.
“However you want to define the American dream, there is not much of it that’s left anymore”-Bob Herbert. The American Dream has existed for centuries; however, for some Americans, the dream is already dead. People hope for a better future, but it is difficult when they aren’t given a chance to strive. I believe the American Dream is not achievable to everyone and is slowly drifting away.
The definition of the American dream in reality is the ideal that every US citizen should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative. But my definition of the American dream is that every US citizen will be able to have financial stability and be more or less happy with their place in the economic system and life. My stance on this is that the American dream is achievable by all in America. Adam Shepard in his book scratch beginnings, he gets off a train with 25$ and the will to carry on with his mission to see if the American dream is achievable for all. During his experiment or his story he goes to a homeless shelter where they help him find work and try to get him on his feet.
"I think the American Dream says that anything can happen if you work hard enough at it and are persistent, and have some ability. The sky is the limit to what you can build, and what can happen to you and your family" expressed Sanford I. Weill. The American Dream is still alive and obtainable. Many people have a definition of what the American Dream that is obtainable in their minds. People all have unique individual lives.
The American Dream is really only a matter of personal preference and opinion. It also has to do with the culture and situation the people are currently living in. Comparing answers of the American Dream from back, say, the early 1900s to those now, would be utterly different. People like Alan Seeger,
Achieving the American Dream is like fighting over the last TV on Black Friday. The American Dream is very limited. A person has to have a certain background to achieve it. The American Dream is an illusion. America wants one to believe that they have the perfect set of materialistic things to make their life better. The American Dream consist of having money, a nice house, a great looking car, and a family. Not everyone can achieve that though because of the barriers that they have in this country. The American Dream is not achievable by all people because individual’s divergent backgrounds.
John Steinbeck, author of many classic American novels, greatly influenced modern American literature. Steinbeck often referred to the Salinas Valley of California in his writing. He often referred to the settlers and the adversities they had faced during the migration to the Salinas Valley area. With novels such as Of Mice And Men and The Grapes Of Wrath, Steinbeck explained the harsh reality of the severe hardships the settlers faced to accomplish the American Dream. These novels share many similarities in regard to their themes. To understand Steinbeck’s work, we must first understand Steinbeck.
The “American Dream” is a complicated topic to discuss. It has many different meanings depending on who you’re talking to. To me it means to have a healthy and happy family with a nice house and to do what I love to do. For many people their dream or even my dream is not attainable. I do not think that the “American Dream” is attainable for everyone. Some people do not have the perseverance or are not born into a situation where they can get an education. Some people may have that drive or the education or talent needed to accomplish what they want.
Misfortune, grit, and hope are just a few words that can describe America over 80 years ago. John Steinbeck paints a realistic portrait of America in the 1930’s. In doing so, he discusses the important controversial issues in a précis 106 pages. Everything has a purpose, and in writing these 106 pages, Steinbeck had a purpose to fulfill. Steinbeck’s purpose in writing Of Mice and Men consisted of many components, but it can be summed up in three main points. This includes portraying the American dream in the 1930’s, giving insight into life during the Great Depression, and to enlighten readers about what a true friendship consists of.
The American dream, for most people, is exactly that – A dream. It’s make believe, fiction. It’s what we think American should be like, not what it actually is. The American dream will always be out of reach for common people. The majority of people I interviewed said something along the lines of, “the American dream is to be given a chance to do something or be something you want to be.” This opinion seems to be too optimistic. Everyone wants more than what they have. It’s not enough to be given the chance, you have to succeed. What it takes to succeed is an entirely different aspect of the American dream.