
John Stuart Mill Individuality Essay

Decent Essays

John Stuart Mill uses much of the same reasoning to defend freedom of individuality as he did with the defense of freedoms of opinion. As he stated earlier in chapter 2, “ages are no more infallible than individuals; every age having held many opinions which subsequent ages have deemed not only false but absurd…” meaning the majority is not always correct and could be imposing opinions that are incorrect (pg 21-22). This same argument applies to individuality. When people are forced to conform to one way of living, the possibility of finding a better way to live is impossible. Each person’s life, when given the freedom to live their life in a way that does not harm others, acts as an experiment. The more varied the experiments, the better a …show more content…

Individuality should be placed higher than the demands of society according to Mill. He writes that “[o]ver himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign” (Mill, pg 13) which is contrary to Rousseau’s conception of the social body as sovereign. Since the individual is sovereign, they have control over themselves and can do as they please as long as others are not harmed. Any action that is harmless should be allowed because the will of the people has a history of being oppressive and wrong. Rousseau’s claim that “as every individual gives himself absolutely, the conditions are the same for all, and precisely because they are the same for all, it is no one’s interest to make the conditions onerous for others” and that “the general will is always rightful and always tends to the public good” (72) is wrong because the grouping of people does not always result in a harmless community for all of the members (pg 60; pg 72). There are people that have been subjected to laws that prevent them from leading their lives in non-harmful ways e.g. practicing other religions or no religion at all, which are enacted to ‘be good’ for the general population. Instead of being good, these individuals are prevented from leading lives in the way that is best for them which could in turn be a lesson for others on

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