
John Stuart Mill Vs Pojman

Decent Essays

Many people in the world have accomplished selfless acts that bettered our world and made a lasting impact on history. For example Mother Teresa spent most of her life giving back and taking care of the ill. Many people aim to make a difference and live as selfless of a life as possible but in reality it is rarely accomplished. The goal of utilitarianism is to benefit those involved and even though the moral of the theory is good there are some implications that cause people to question the morality behind the theory. In both Mills and Pojman’s essays they determine the pros and cons of Utilitarianism .The theory of utilitarianism determines the moral of its action based on whether it maximizes utility. Mill states in his article Utilitarianism …show more content…

In Pojmans essay Strengths and Weakness of Utilitarianism he describes this theory as “an act is right if and only if it results in as much good as any available alternative.” (105) For example if you decide to give ice cream to a group of children there may be a net increase in happiness which would mean the action is morally correct however if there are a few children who are lactose intolerant then those children may feel left out therefore there may be a net increase but morally we know it is unfair for one child to not get a treat therefore we that may be considered …show more content…

This objection states that if we suppose that the utilitarianism theory is correct then every minute of every day should be used to better the environment and world. With the hustle and bustle of the world today could you imagine spending every waking moment doing selfless acts? While a rational person would wish to do more in their community it is simply physically impossible. This theory suggests that you need to survive on the most basic needs to survive and forfeit most if not all pleasurable aspects in your life. So a majority of your income should go to charities, the under privileged, or a third world country. All assets (except the basic ones in need to live) should be given away and you have no right to enjoy life when you could be out increasing the net happiness of your community or the world. But this objection creates a lack of motivation to work, fails to include various situations that may need to be required prior to giving away your assets /income such as paying bills, and buying groceries. Therefore the theory of utilitarianism is

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