
John The Baptist Research Paper

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John the Baptist is considered an important figure in Christianity for numerous reasons. Before the baptizing of Jesus or even his own birth, the nomadic preacher is foreshadowed throughout the bible. His essence is not automatically recalled at first glance. Yet, through reading and context you can see the correlation of how the New Testament fulfills the old and how the Old Testament foreshadows the new. Taking that in consideration here are some passages that prove this point. In Isaiah 7: 10-16 of the Old Testament, God attempts to comfort his people. The people of Jerusalem have suffered greatly even more than necessary. Isaiah hears a voice telling him to prepare the way for the Lord. When Isaiah asks why the voice gives him …show more content…

John the Baptist tells the people to prepare the way of the Lord by receiving baptism and repenting their sins. This is occurring because Jesus is about to begin his public ministry. These people are seeking a different path not to any earthly location but instead to the afterlife in God’s heavenly kingdom.
“I will send my messenger, who will prepare the way before me. Then suddenly the Lord you are seeking will come to his temple; the messenger of the covenant, whom you desire, will come,” This line come from Malachi. If you have yet to notice the recurring theme, God states of a messenger “that will prepare the way before him.” When God sends down his son Jesus we know John the Baptist is Jesus’s slightly older cousin who came “before him.” The next line, “the messenger of the covenant, whom you desire, will come.” The messenger of the covenant they seek even though not known yet is the messiah Jesus. In 2 Kings, we receive an early depiction of John the Baptist. There is an envisionment of a man with a garment of hair and had a belt around his waist. The king thinks it is just Elijah but I could have been John the Baptist as well. All we know for certain is Elijah and John The Baptist lead similar

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