John Wallace the author of Chapters two and three of Practical Approaches to Alcoholism Psychotherapy indicated that there is no systematic and specific theory of alcoholism. The purpose of chapter two is to “develop a theory of therapy specific to alcoholism, a theory that takes into account the nature of the disease, the characteristics of the client and the time- dependent nature of intelligent therapeutic intervention” (Zimberg et el., Pg 20). Alcoholics, according to John Wallace can be described in terms of preferred defense structure (PDS). He assumes that an alcoholic preferred defense structure exists. The preferred defense structure is the strategies and tactics of achieving one’s end. John Wallace indicated that the traditional
This paper will try to explain the different views of how and why Alcoholics Anonymous and other 12-step programs are accepted and rejected as effective tools in treating alcoholism and other addictions. The articles reviewed contradict the others’ opinion. First, we see that supporting the 12-step programs with a degree of involvement both the doctor and patient will see better results in treating the addiction. The second view will show that 12-step programs can be used as “self-help” treatment and must be used in conjunction with other forms of rehabilitation. When AA and other 12-step programs are not used with other forms of treatment, the patient tends to become codependent on the group.
According to the NIAAA (National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism), about how many previously diagnosable alcoholics matured out of their dependence? A. none B. only a fraction C. one third D. most ANS:C PG39 19. According to Hester and Miller’s empirical research, the highest treatment effectiveness scores were obtained for A. harsh confrontational techniques B. motivational enhancement. C psychoanalytical treatment D. treatment that focused on the underlying cause of the drinking or drug use. ANS:B PG39
Current available therapy for the treatment of alcohol is based on three different theories. Two popular and successful therapies are cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and twelve step facilitation (TSF). CBT is a directive therapy that is focused on changing the way that patients think about alcohol (Villanueva, Tonigan, Miller, 2007). TSF is another
Alcohol treatment in Canada, however seems to incorporate both mechanisms as shown in the study by Rush and Ogborne (1986).The study states that goals for one third of clients who were non abstinent were accepted depending on whether it was a residential or community-based outpatient service. Other effective methods in treating alcoholism are pharmacotherapy, behavioral method and self help manuals. This paper will discuss different therapeutic interventions while highlighting the controversy between controlled drinking and abstinence.
Alcohol in the United States has become a substance that most of the population abuses. Problems with alcoholism mainly occurs in young adults and has caused numerous deaths throughout the U.S. Alcohol has been a substance known for making the decision of flight or fight. Psychologists have taken their time and came to a conclusion that there consists of a five stage process in which one can abuse alcohol. Psychologists also figured out ways to help alcoholics looking for help to stop. Alcohol can be a danger to oneself and others, and it should be treated very seriously.
Sociologists have advanced various theories on why alcoholism should be treated as a sickness. Room (1983) suggested that there
Alcoholism under the development of institutes and support groups, the spread of education on treatment and recovery, and the involvement of the government in research and recovery programs can most closely be viewed under the functionalist perspective. The functionalist perspective describes how certain aspects of society
Alcoholism is a problem experienced in many societies and covers issues associated with intake of alcohol (Schneider, 1978). In most cases, it is used to refer to addictive and uncontrolled use or abuse of alcohol such that the health, relationships and social status of a person is eroded. Due to its negative effects on users, it is considered as a bad practice in the society. Alcoholism is contributed by many social issues concerning users as well as society and is largely accepted as a social deviance behavior. However, according to Schneider (1992), deviant drinking has been
There are millions of people who have and who are suffering from alcoholism. For those seeking help with their addiction, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) may be the right for them. While this program is not promised to be a cure, and the authors of this program does not promise full recovery, it provides an atmosphere where members can be honest about their dependency on alcohol. Furthermore, AA provides support from other alcoholics, and rewards for meeting certain sobriety anniversary dates. This paper explores the history and major developments of AA. Furthermore, this paper explains the structure of meetings, and the roles the leader and members play during meetings. This paper also touches on AA’s definition of success and how it handles members who relapse. Additionally, this paper explains this student’s experiences of two AA meetings she attended, which include what she learned from attending the meetings, and what she learned from the people she met at the meetings.
Alcoholism today is not considered as a moral failure, majority of the people view it as a disease. Alcoholism is a chronic primary and progressive disease and it can also be fatal in some instances. It is termed as a chemical disease as it breaks down in the stomach as well as bringing a different effect on the brain of the alcoholic as compared to a non-alcoholic. Alcoholism can be classified as a biological disease since the chemical predisposition of alcohol consumption is inheritable. Therefore, alcoholism should not be punished instead it should be treated. The reason behind classifying alcoholism as a disease is because the progression of alcohol dependence occurs through stages in a natural sequence .This progression is similar to that of the development of physical illnesses. In recent interpretations of alcoholism as a disease the focus is on the biological factors which differentiate alcoholics from nonalcoholics. This disease concept has led to development of the idea that those who abuse alcohol are often out of control and abstinence is the only method for treating this disease.
Everyday, more and more people are being claimed by alcoholism. The most important message AA makes is that there is help available, and there are people who want to help you, just as other helped them. Louis, a 79 year old AA member reciprocates his AA experience by “try[ing] to help the younger people find sobriety and happiness the way I have. I tell them, “If I can do it, so can you” (AA pamphlet). This is just one of many stories AA members have to offer an observer.
Many people have been misguided about whether or not alcoholism is “disease” that attacks a person’s good health. A key suggestion of those that believe alcoholism is a disease is that a disease is uncontrolled. This is not so. When people develop an addiction to alcohol they tend to push everything of importance out of their lives: family, friends, and sometimes even jobs. People with addiction to alcohol throw
The case of Jack illustrates a number of dilemmas faced by addiction counselors; namely, his resistance to treatment and external locus of control. Jack not only denies his need for counseling, but also denies that his alcohol use is any fault of his own. Thus, this paper will serve to analyze and evaluate two therapeutic approaches that emphasize personal responsibility and internal locus of control.
Cognitive and Behavioural approaches are also widely used with alcohol and drug using clients. In a meta-analysis of 17 studies Walters, Mortgenstern, & Rotgers (2003) found that behavioural self-control programs (training in drinking rate control, goal setting, identifying high risk situations, alternatives to alcohol use) were more effective than no treatment and at least as effective as abstinence based programs. CBT for substance abuse encompasses a variety of interventions that emphasize different targets. However, this essay will be focus only on motivational intervention and family therapy.
Alcoholism has been a major problem in society for a number of years. In fact, alcoholism should be compared to a virus. This is because a person can never be completely cured from alcoholism; they can only fight the battle, day to day, hoping not to relapse. When it comes to the etiologies, or causes, of alcoholism, there seems to be three distinct origins of alcoholism. These causes are genetic factors, dependency caused by brain chemical imbalances after long-term use, and social and emotional factors.