
Johnson Vs Virginia

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otherwise sane people that brought forth our bitter laughter. It was as if whites didn’t know that they were being cruel in the first place. Or at least thought you deserving of their scorn” (Obama, Dreams from My Father, 80).
She recalls most of the civil rights movements, “Everything that we learned was watched on TV, if you could afford one, gossip sometimes in person, but the most notorious events and horrific images came from the Deep South.”
According to, “Virginia's role was overlooked. It was in Virginia, that the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) filed more lawsuits than in any other state. A Virginian case extended the prohibition against segregation to include interstate bus waiting rooms and restrooms. The case of Green vs. School Board of New Kent County became the most important school desegregation decision since 1954. Southern juries were desegregated as a result of Johnson vs. Virginia in 1963. Richard Perry Loving's case resulted in the overturning of seventeen state laws banning interracial marriage.”
Racism didn’t just start and end in Virginia neither did this black and white war, when comparing Odell’s early life with current times the same sense of feelings on the black and white war that’s always told and continues to …show more content…

They tried to break out of their ghetto surroundings and find housing in better, all-white urban neighborhoods. However, this was nearly impossible. Most banks and mortgage companies would only issue loans to blacks to purchase homes in all-black neighborhoods. Just like now, but now not only can blacks not find financial assistance in what they consider low income properties (black neighborhoods), due to the favts that whites are moving into these ghettos and they are forcing blacks out, to even a lower standardized means of living; some people are way below the poverty line because of the

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