In the photo titled “Join, or Die”, each of the eight cut pieces of the snake are labeled with abbreviations. By looking at the various abbreviations and knowing what each one stands for, one can conclude that each of the segments of the snake symbolize the early American colonies. The snake is separated in pieces to show that the colonies were not yet unified. The phrase “Join or die” is stating that the colonies need to unite in order to be strong during the French and Indian war. When each piece of the snake, or colonies, is cut off, the snake cannot survive. When the pieces are put together, the snake, or the colonies united, can survive and flourish during a time of great need. The goal of the photo is to encourage colonial unity among …show more content…
Their differences made them wary of one another. In “Unity and Identity of the American Colonies,” Deanna K states that “Many of the colonies were envious or suspicious of each other, which delayed colonial unity.” Though there was a delay, the photo convinced the colonies to unite and present a unified front against the French and Indian. The creator of this photo is most likely someone who had an influential position and whose word was trusted by the colonies. This is clear because the person who created the photo made a difference and influenced the colonies to unify. During the time period in which this photo was created, the mid-1700s, the most influential people in America were usually, if not always, white, upper class males. This is because females and people of different races did not yet have the same rights and power that white upper class men did. From this fact, it can be inferred that the creator of the photo was also a whiten upper class male. This white man clearly valued the American colonies and their success, which is why he created this photo to convince the colonies to
In the time period of 1750-1776 tensions had risen between the colonists and England. Circumstances had gotten worse than before. Colonists got very mad because the English Parliament passed many acts that raised taxes. In reply to the taxes the colonists revolted and took a stand. Document A shows that in 1754 the Pennsylvania Gazette printed a cartoon of a snake that represented the colonies which were divided in eight pieces, Georgia and Rhode Island were not included in the snake.
The “massacre” that happened on March 5th changed a lot of opinions of the colonist’s about how they felt about the British. The way that the picture was made, in relation to the story was key in winning the hearts of the Americans. The story told is depicting confusion on the officer’s part, and they randomly fired on the crowd, not in any particular area. The picture shows that the British were organized, and aimed to kill. Since it is easier to get the story from a picture, the picture was that the troops have a desire to kill the people, shown with the organization. This picture portrays the British as murderers, all the more reason to unite and rise against and go to war against. (DCT 3)
The French and Indian War was a nationalizing experience for the Colonists because it banded a un-unified group of colonists together against a common enemy,the French and their allies, the Indians. The war later led to the reinforcement of their unity and resentment towards Britain for implementing many acts on the colonists, whether it be taxing, or control over their commerce. Before the French and Indian War many of the colonies were skeptical and/ or jealous of one another, creating disunity and an untrustworthy environment throughout the colonies. To represent the lack of coherence among the colonies, Benjamin Franklin published a cartoon representing the colonies as a disjointed snake. During the French and Indian War, the colonists
In addition to unity by the end of the revolution, the colonies had developed a definite sense of identity. According to Document H, which was published two years before the end of the revolution in 1781, becoming an American was 'by being received in the broad lap of our great Alma Mater. Here individuals of all nations are melted into a new race of men, whole labours and posterity will one day cause great changes in the world. American identity meant being a mixture of European, Native American, and even African American blood and culture. Looking back at the times when the colonies were just being set up by the first arriving colonists, from that point, the spirit of the colonists had been that of fighters. They had fought to build a community out of nothing, and although they initially failed, they tried again. They fought the Indians numerous times in order to protect what was theirs, and during the time of the acts, towards the time of the revolution, they had fought again for what was theirs; their inalienable rights. Thus, the American identity
What united the colonists in the 1770’s I think began with the fact that they were all getting started here in the “New World”. They had a chance to make something of themselves and start a new life, breaking away from the restraints of British government. Some of the colonists united based on the fact that they wanted their liberities, and did not want to have to live under the rules and regulations of the British, where on the other side of that coin, there were the colonists would didn’t want to separate from the
"The distinctions between Virginians, Pennsylvanians, New Yorkers, and New Englanders are no more. I Am Not A Virginian, But An American!" (Patrick Henry in 1774 after the Boston Tea Party.) American colonists gave everything for independence. While independence did not come immediately, many events triggered the Revolutionary war and eventual forming of the Nation we call home. Colonists banded together through oppression and tyranny caused by the British. Prior to the Boston Tea Party, the colonists quietly adhered to Britain's rules and taxations. Over time, angst and anger built up which erupted into the iconic Boston Tea Party. Men came together as brothers in the light of independence and nationalism for their country. The Boston Tea
The story that it is being depicted in the painting of Benjamin West’s “William Penn’s Treaty with the Indians” is based on a true story. The painting illustrates the establishment of the Providence of Pennsylvania by William Penn in 1681, the painting records the meeting between Penn and the chiefs of the Delaware tribes in 1682, and portrays the first ever transaction of a purchase of lands from the indigenous people despite that those lands had already been granted to them by the British government (Pohl, 77, 78). The artist main focus on the painting is the signing of the treaty, and portraying a peaceful relationship between Native Americans and European settlers, although, the painting also contains the illustration of ships that are being harbored and the construction of homes these objects represent the prosperity of the
In America people love to dream about the weekend all week long at work. They love to dream about what they are going to do, how they are going to spend their free time, and how they are going to dread thinking about Monday morning again on Sunday. For many American, they spend their weekends watching football. They love to indulge in this mesmerizing sport of throwing a pigskin across a big field, and they spend their Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays watching high school, college and professional football. Is this sport, that enthralls countless Americans every weekend from August to February, a safe sport for the people who play it?
The colonists in the
But those who revolted originally only united when they wanted protect their rights while remaining British citizens. They didn’t have the intention of becoming an independent nation (Document E). Unity was necessary for independence; without it there would be war between colonists. The man who made the official motion for independence, in the Second Continental Congress, was Richard Henry Lee. In fact, when he did such he was sure that all the colonies were “ defend their liberties... against every power on Earth” (Document C). But this idea of unification for the common good of the colonies was not new. In fact the Join, or Die cartoon that is often seen as a document of the revolution, was originally created by Ben Franklin to be used in the Albany Congress, back in 1754, as motivation to adopt his Albany Plan of Union (Document A). And when push came to shove, the colonies did show unity. After Britain passed the Intolerable Acts the Boston Harbor was closed; this greatly impacted the Bostonians. So, other states such as Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, North Carolina, and South Carolina aided their fellow colonists by providing grain, sheep, corn, and funds that they had collected. This was done of their own free will and with little gain for themselves. The part of this that is most extraordinary is that the states who contributed weren’t solely
A Native American on the left side symbolizes the importance of colonists to build a trustworthy and friendly friendship with the people of this New World. Years later, the colonists will discover the helpfulness and cordiality of
By 1760's the Americans increasingly felt a sense of unity and their own identity. The people knew that if they do not unite it would be much easier for the British to destroy them. However the each of the colonies still tended to
It represents a majority of ills that afflicted 18th, 19th, and early 20th century America. Through this photograph, one can appreciate how far America has come as a nation in terms of having the capacity to resolve the issues that plagued American society. Further, through this photograph, one can tell how the suffering faced by migrants who came in as slaves played a huge role in creating a better American society.
The work was initially received differently in America. America was involved in the Civil War at the time and the North and the South took the painting in different ways. Leutze was an abolitionist. It is seen in the painting as there is an African American present in the painting on Washington’s boat. The Union used this to support their abolitionist belief. Overall, the North viewed the painting and saw freedom and union. Whereas, the South, viewed the painting and saw liberty and independence. Both sides interpreted differently, but both favored the painting because it represented George Washington, the founding father of America, and it painted him and the American Revolution in good light
A portrait of George Washington was drawn by an artist named William Bingham and his wife, where they were trying to capture the morals he stood for. Another source talking about the portrait, Gilbert Stewart states, “this painting was a gift to former British Prime Minister (...) a lasting peace between Britain and America.” This painting was suppose to symbolize peace between the two countries for the world to see. In the image, Washington stands with a sword in his hand, a gold chair sitting behind him, books scattered all over a table and his welcoming hand held out in front of him. All these represent his values; sword symbolizing the military, books symbolizing his knowledge and education, and his out stretched hand symbolizing a warm welcome. In the same article, another source by Jill Lepore states that Washington was a boy who “he copied out a set of sixteenth-century Italian ‘Rules of Civility’” (Lepore 8). He strived to become more educated boy so he could grow to be an intelligent man. By making