
Jon Lovett Funniest Comedian Speech

Good Essays

Mr. Jon Lovett is a well known writer from Los Angeles who had served three years in the White House as our current president’s speechwriter. After he graduated from Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts, he performed stand-up comedy, and after making a name for himself, he eventually went on to win “Funniest Comedian” back in 2010. Which would explain his great sense of humor and ability to connect with his audience. He also developed his own sitcom in 2012 called “1600 Penn” which was based upon stories from the White House. Lastly, in 2014 he spoke at Loyola Marymount University, giving a speech for their First Amendment Week. His speech eventually went on to become a brief essay published in the first edition of The Engaged Reader: Issues and Conversations for Composition. In The Culture of Shut Up Mr. Lovett discusses the First Amendment as well as the future if any for this amendment. …show more content…

Lovett puts a list of examples of people of all backgrounds were told to shut up for voicing their opinion about anything. People such as Paula Deen for being a racist, Alec Baldwin for speaking on gay people, and Martin Bashir about Sarah Palin were just a few common names to mention. The resemblance of this list is showing just how powerful two idiots holding a conversation can be. Mr. Lovett thoroughly explains throughout his essay that demanding someone to mute their view, idea, or voice is an absurd thought. If no one is taking the time to hear those timid individuals out how will this society grow? Which, in fact, points back the title of the essay the actual culture of shut up. The derogatory words “shut up” aren’t helping build a better society or community in regards to technology. He also says that one must learn to live with those oblivious, ignorant, and intolerable noises because it’s simply a part of life. Although one can quiet one voice, there will always be someone else that will speak up for the those to afraid to do

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