
Jonah Lehrer Indirect Apology Summary

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This chapter presents the conclusion and suggestion related to the findings and analysis. Those include the answer of the research problem presented in the first chapter.
5.1. Conclusion This study examines the use of apology strategies by Jonah Lehrer in his plagiarism scandal in 2013. The main aim of study is to know what type of apology strategies used by Lehrer in apology speech and how the connotative words help repairing his reputation. The writer finds 3 types of apology strategy. They are indirect apology (IA), direct apology (DA) and remedial act (RA). Indirect apology (IA) consists of 17 data. Direct apology (DA) consists of 3 data and remedial act (RA) consist of 6 data. Indirect apology …show more content…

Lehrer uses indirect apology to expresses his guilt and accept the blame from the complainer to save his reputation. Therefore, he chooses to take on the responsibility to repair the relationship between Lehrer and the complainer. Moreover, the writer also found connotative words in his apology speech. These connotative words are used by Lehrer to persuade the people to read his speech continuously. Lehrer made his apology speech with the sequence of story to make people read the whole text of his speech. This is important to help him to improve relationships with complainers.
5.2 Suggestions
Based on the findings of this study, some suggestions are made by the writer to the next writer to conduct study on apology strategies which are found in wider situations and contexts. This study can lead the future researchers to conduct research in apology strategies in different context, such in naturally conversation. Furthermore, the writer suggests the next writer to gain more knowledge on apology strategies, especially the theory of it proposed by other experts. The writer also suggests to the next writer to have the same object, but he or she analyzes the data by using other theory of apology strategies and combining with another relevant theory to get new

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