
Jonas 'Lie In The Giver'

Satisfactory Essays

Before Jonas met The Giver, he believed that the society he lived in was a good place.
(SIP-A) Jonas once agreed with society’s rules and followed them.
(STEWE-1) “He had never, within his memory, been tempted to lie.” [Lowry 71] In this quote, Jonas says that he has never even been tempted to lie when he received his instructions for receiver of memory. He was also terrified that other people were lying to him, and this shows that he has never lied about anything before.
(STEWE-2) “He was quite certain he would never take advantage of [being rude].” [Lowry 69] This is from when Jonas was reading his instructions for receiver of memory. This shows that Jonas has never been rude and he never will.
(SIP-B) Ever since

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