Jonas is a normal kid, in a normal town, with normal people, and normal everything. Jonas lives in a world without color, without feelings, and without struggles. The book The Giver by Louis Lowry . It is a about a community where everything is the same. The same clothes, The same amount of people in each “family unit.” A boy named Jonas lives in this community with his “family unit” His mom (Who is not his actual mom.) His Dad (Who is not actually his dad.) And his sister Lilly (Well you get the picture.) Jonas is starting to realize there are greater things out there than in the small community in which they live in. Throughout the book Jonas discovers his true identity. I will show how throughout the book Jonas’s true identity develops. And makes Jonas who he …show more content…
People start to freak out. When a speaker comes over the announcer, In the Novel by Lois Lowry “ IMMEDIATELY, the rasping voice through the speakers had said. LEAVE YOUR BICYCLES WHERE THEY ARE. Instantly, obediently, Jonas had dropped his bike on its side on the path behind his family’s dwelling.” Jonas was very obedient and dropped his bike immediately. In his community they must obey the laws or there are severe punishments. p.g 2 “HE WILL BE RELEASED.” Jonas did not yet know that RELEASED meant something way different than what he had thought. These quotes show how everyone is Jonas’s community is obedient without hesitation. I think this is similar to the text A Long Walk To Freedom by Nelson Mandela.The paragraph states that”I was not born with a hunger to be free. I was born free- free in every way I could know. Free to run in the fields near my mother’s hut, free to swim in the clear stream that ran through my village, free to roast mealies under the stars and ride the broad backs of slow-moving bulls.” Just like Jonas did not yet know that he wanted to make a change throughout his
Jonas’ has had a variety of interesting experiences throughout the book. The Giver by Lois Lowry is about Jonas and he goes through many changes in his life with some help from the Giver. Jonas’ experiences develop a theme over the course of The Giver by teaching the reader for every action there is a consequence. Although some readers may believe that there will not be a consequence, Jonas’ experiences show that there are good and bad consequences for everything you do.
Jonas was just a simple kid that fit in and was enjoying life. After he learns he has the capacity to see beyond he feels like he is different from everyone else. In the book, the giver Jonas wandered "How could I not fit in? The community was so meticulously ordered, the choices so carefully made." Jonas was not the only one feeling like an outsider.
The statement, “Why can’t everyone see them? Why did colours disappear?” (p.124) tells us that his interrogations led him to sheer curiosity to the extent where he witnesses a clearer insight into his so-called ‘ideal’ society. Another statement by The Giver, “… memories need to be shared… you needed me then and now they will…” (p.194-196) foretells Jonas escaping his disingenuous world. This goes to show that Jonas has been led to believe countless lies and has contemplated on his whereabouts throughout which then reveals the initiative that he along with the Giver must flee to Elsewhere.
Jonas is the protagonist of the novel and a third-person narrator tells the entire story from Jonas perception of things. He is intelligent, curious, caring, and his thought process is very mature for being 11-13 years old. A good quote portraying both his matureness and his intellect is “If everything's the same, then there aren't any choices! I want to wake up in the morning and decide things”(97). This is also one of the first signs that he is displeased with the community. Another quote showing his courage and curiosity is "It hurt a lot," Jonas said, "but I'm glad you gave it to me. It was interesting. And now I understand better. What it meant, that there would be
Through our society we are all raised up to be independent and unique individuals such as being ourselves and expressing who each of us are to the world. However, in the book The Giver by Lois Lowry, everyone is raised to count on one another and everyone must look and act the same. Our society differs from Jonas’s in many ways, such as the family units, birthdays, and the way we each learn about our past.
Jonas lives in a world of Sameness. In his community, life has been changed to be a place without color, choice, feelings, love, or inequality - a “perfect” world to all. No one ever complains: this is how the community runs, and has been running for as long as citizens can remember. At age 12, Jonas is assigned his life work as the Receiver of Memory and joins a mysterious old man named the Giver. The Giver uses his knowledge help the community make the right choices in times of crisis. He shares his memories about when life had the things that make life amazing - the color, the love, the feelings, the passion. Jonas is amazed and decides his world desperately is in need of change. The problem is, he doesn’t know how to fix his choreographed world to the place he envisions when Sameness is all anyone has ever known. Therefore, Jonas and the Giver make a plan to release memories to the people of the land and give them the wonders they’ve never known. Jonas runs away with the baby he loves, Gabriel, from the
All the elevens were excited about the event that would be coming so soon. But there was a little shudder of nervousness when he thought about it, about what might happen. Apprehensive, Jonas decided. That's what I am.¨(4) During the end of the book Jonas changes from being apprehensive to Brave. Jonas changes, because he had to be brave to get elsewhere and save Gabriel.
The Giver, written by Lois Lowry, is about how Jonas changes when he gets memories from a man named The Giver, and after he receives those memories, he uses them to see color or hear music. Jonas is a kid who was living a normal life in his community, until he became the Reciever of Memory, and he was given memories to hold for the community. However, Jonas saw the apple change, his maturing with The Giver, and finally why Jonas leaves the community for good. Jonas changed a wholTe bunch throughout the book, his mind is changing and his opinions about the community are changing.
Together, Jonas and The Giver devise a plan to bring back all of the things and memories people had before Sameness. The Giver is a very complicated and difficult story. There are many themes a reader can take away from this book,
Imagine a world with no feelings, no color, no choice; a world where individuality and freedom are exchanged for security and sameness. This type of world is a reality for Jonas, the protagonist in Lois Lowry’s The Giver. After being assigned the next Receiver of Memories in the community, where he has the capacity to see beyond. As he begins his works, he gains wisdom and through that wisdom, learned that protecting the community from the memories, their lives lacked understanding and feelings. Jonas goes on an archetypal hero’s journey and chooses to risk everything to restore memories and wisdom to everyone in the community. Throughout this novel, Jonas is represented as a hero considering he demonstrates integrity despite living in a
Jonas receives memories of color, something that is absent from his community. He realizes how absent his community really is. Jonas hurts inside to tell people in his community what they are missing. The only person that he can really open up to is The Giver. They grew really close, and it became like a grandfather, grandchild relationship.
In the book The Giver Jonas has a really complicated relationships with his father. It all started when his father told him about release but lied about it. Jonas thought that the people getting released would go to a happy place, but actually his father kills them with a shot then dumps them in the garbage. The Giver showed Jonas a video about the truth of the release because his father told him a lie. Jonas was very displeased when he found out what his dad does at a release and could not get pass the thought that his dad was a liar. Jonas can trust the giver because the Giver has never lied to Jonas and his dad has. This related in Jonas to have trust issues with other people.
The setting of The Giver takes place in a fictional community known as the “Sameness”. Life here is supposed to be "perfect" because there is no pain or suffering. They don’t have to take
Imagine having everything you wished for. You would live in a perfect world. But every world has imperfections and you come across to realizing...a perfect world doesn’t exist. Within time, you come from an illusion to reality. You choose your journey and it starts here. The community is a separate environment from the world and has many rules to live by. The rules can vary to be severe consequences. It includes sameness, no memories, and family unit regulations. The kids end their childhood at the age of 12 by receiving their life assignment. The main character, Jonas is chosen to be the receiver of memory. He is reliable to hold everyone's feelings, hopes, and devotions. In The Giver the author Lois Lowry uses the theme of change to reveal that growing up in “the community” is a non-stressful and organized environment but Jonas finds the real world a whole different place when he receives memories about strong feelings and hardships, intellects the word “love”, and how important it is to be an individual.
One way Jonas's personallity changed is the fact the fact highest grades in his school. This affected his personallity because he was smarter than most kids in the Community. Ecspecially since his community has accepted Sameness. Sameness is where everybody looks, sounds, Since Jonas has a higher intellect, he will soon be elected to the position as New Reciever. Which is a position that will replace the current Giver.