Jordan, I've known children and adults who have struggled with substance abuse within their families. These individuals usually go one of two ways: they mimic what they have witnessed or they do the complete opposite and try to stay far away from any kind of drug or alcohol. I think you did a great job on mentioning that substance abuse is a cyclical issue that can only be corrected by being aware of the characteristics that put an individual at risk. You mention so many great questions that the nurse should consider when he or she takes a history of the patient. On top of asking if their parents have a history of substance abuse, if there is a history of mental disorders, amongst others, maybe we can delve into finding out when a person decides
Drug and chemical abuse affect many families and that particular family that lives through a loved one who is an addict and the priority is to get help for the individual. In any intervention that involves drug addicts, a family's disposition is very important. Full recovery of any drug addict involves the restoration of the person's life as well as ensuring that those who are around the addict have the best ability when it comes to helping with abstinence which is a long-term goal. Abusers are often in denial or even believe that they are totally in control of their use of drugs
When communicating with people affected by these issues, the nurse should supportive, understanding, and nonjudgmental. They can be referred to rehab programs by the nurse. The nurse may also refer them to social workers who can help them get housing if they are homeless. The nurse should also follow up with them to check on their progress. The nurse can visit schools to educate adolescents about the dangers of alcohol and drugs.
As Heise states, substance abuse among nurses a growing problem that is often overlooked by society. Addiction has been a problem in the nursing profession for over one hundred years (as cited in Monroe & Kenaga, 2010). According to the American nurses association, it is speculated that 6%-8% of nurses have a drug or alcohol related problem (as cited in Trinkoff & Storr, 1998). Substance abuse not only affects the individual abuser, but also can negatively impact those around them, most significantly their patients. Chemical dependence if often viewed as a lack of will power, but through education and research, this issue should be looked at as an actual disease. The education of nursing students is the first step in helping those with a
As healthcare providers, we need to have open minds and be able to understand all different types of clients. Not all clients are dealing with issues of events like recovering from knee surgery or a heart attack. A large percentage of our population is dealing with addiction problems and alcohol addiction being the largest. As nurses we need to support our clients and help them in anyway possible to find and seek out treatment. One resource that is well known to most communities is Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). This free not profit program can be a great starting point for someone looking for help. In ordered to have an understanding about this resource, it is beneficial to us to attend a few local meeting sites.
Alchol and drug addictions can affect anyone, not just your regular every day people but the people you put the most trust in when you are sick, yes Nurses can also suffer from substance abuse problems. Americans don’t often recognize addiciton as being a serious desease amongst many in the United States. Many nurses tend to stay to themselves when it comes to working with a nurse that suffers from an addiction. There are many understandable reasons why many nurses would turn to substance abuse. Some reasons may be that it came from their family histories that could include emotional impairment, alcoholism, drug use, and/or emotional abuse that result in low self-esteem, overachievement, and overwork. ()
If you are struggling with alcoholism and drug addiction, your disease also affects everyone around you, especially your family. Families function as a system. Think of this system like the parts of a computer. Various parts work together to allow a user to type, scroll down, view images, and listen to sounds. If one part is malfunctioning, the entire system goes down. For example, if the monitor were to stop working, the user would be unable to see any websites or programs on the computer. All parts need to be up and running for the system to work harmoniously. Families are the same. When one family member is suffering, the entire family unit suffers. If you require addiction treatment, your family needs to be included in every step of the
I don’t know if it’s just me but I think that when they say you have an alcohol problem because you have more than two drinks at a time is a little bit absurd. I know a lot of people who will binge drink on the weekends and I never really saw the adverse effects it has on a person and their well-being but I do think it can happen. I do think it is the physician’s responsibility to make the patient aware of the effects of alcohol and drug addiction. I don’t think they should preach to the patient if they have never had any signs of using or abusing drugs and alcohol. More and more young people need to know the risks of drugs and alcohol and how it harms the body and other people around them. I know peer pressure plays a huge role in society today but I think if we helped teens and children see a bit more clearly maybe there wouldn’t be as much peer pressure. Parents as well as the entire family need to make their children a lot more aware of all the side effects. I do not think that parents talk to their children nearly enough about anything especially drugs and alcohol. People work a lot more hours these days and when they do see their children they don’t want to spend the quality time preaching to them about things like drugs, alcohol, sex and all of the other things parents tell their kids. In conclusion to my perspective I just think that we ultimately need more preventive treatment so that we don’t have to spend so much money trying to make people better
When an individual has a disorder with substance abuse and how family is involved, it can be a very uncomfortable situation for both the abuser and family members. When the abuser is an adolescent, the program may need consent from the adolescent before communicating with the parent, whether the communication is over the course of counseling or a one time communication (TIP 31). Both drugs and alcohol affects both sides because an addiction will create problems with communication. When one seeks help for his or her addiction, the entire family should be involved if
Approaching Nurses Working Under the Influence There is a general consensus that there is inadequate education regarding substance abuse among nursing and other health care professionals (Dunn et al., 2005). Nurses also have inadequate knowledge on how to identify substance abuse disorders such as alcohol abuse and also how to remedy such situations (Dunn, 2005). While approaching Mrs. Clara, there is a need to approach her in a friendly and professional manner rather than in an accusatory tone.
First, looking at what it is and its social causes one can see how alcohol abuse in teens can be prevented. Second, the effects on the sufferer ranges from health problems to poverty in the future now how important is it to find a treatment. Finally, treatment centers have the top pf the line treatment to provide care and help for your teen that abuses alcohol. Finding out that your kid drinks is a hard thing. Imagine being a parent with a teen that drinks alcohol. Do you think it is bad? What would you do, would you punish him or find
If you are like me, then likely you have experienced a lot of change your life. Sometimes you may have been anxious for that change and other times you didn't see it coming. I've been there for both. When I started working for Abuse Counseling and Treatment, Inc. I had no idea of the changes that would happen in my life for the better.
Today when I woke up I felt a little bit better than the last couple days, but I noticed that all around my nose is really red which is kind of bizarre. I mean it was red last night, but I put some cream on it and it was gone when I went to bed. It actually hurts a little bit but I just put some make up over it while getting ready for school. Hopefully my day goes a little better than this morning did. ?
Drug addiction is a serious issue in not only America today, but globally. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, substance addiction is a “chronic, relapsing brain disease that is characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use, despite the harmful consequences” (“What is drug addiction?”). Drug abuse affects not only the user, but those around the user as well. The actions of a drug user place a significant amount of worry on the people that are closest to them such as friends and family. Children with parents who are addicted to drugs or alcohol can be severely affected by the actions of their parents which can cause them much harm in terms of biological and
My aunt struggles with an addiction to prescription drugs after being prescribed pain medication for endometriosis for over 3 years. She found ways to continue to get these drugs 2 years after the doctors stop prescribing it too her. I don’t understand the disease and yet it is so common, so I am bringing you information that I have researched in the hopes that you all may understand it better as well.
As a recovering addict I know firsthand how my addiction affected my family. Addiction to alcohol or drugs is a disease; it affects everyone in the family, not just the substance abuser.