1. I offer my highest endorsement in support of Mrs. Jordan K. Jones - Williams child custody and restraining order request. I have known Jordan for a few years and know that she is an exceptional person who displays all the requisite characteristics of a great mother. It is unfortunate that the safety of her and children (Janiah and Janise) continue to be at an undistinguished state. Through many occasions I have seen Jordan expose deep concern and what one may call fear towards her husband. Apparently, her husband’s recent discharge out of the military and his sudden interest in relocating to Fayetteville, North Carolina pose immediate change to Jordan and their children feeling of safety. 2. Jordan has been denied freedom of movement
Jadira Jackson is a 23 year old African American mother of two children, both female and ages 6 and 6 months. Currently, Jadira’s oldest child resides with her father in Maryland. Jadira first came to the attention of Richmond City Child Protective Services when it was reported by an in-home agency that her 6 year old daughter was the victim of severe mental abuse because she is biracial. Jadira’s second referral to Richmond City Child Protective Services was due to a domestic dispute between her and her now 6 month old daughter’s father. During the incident, it was reported that Jadira dropped her 6 month old daughter, Jasaya. Since starting services with the family, it has been discovered that Jadira has severe mental health issues that impact
CPSW did a home visit to meet with Ms. Berner and to discuss about her safety plan since the children are moving with her on10/29/16 from the foster provider. Ms. Berner was late for her appointment and CPSW waited a 40 minutes for Ms. Berner. Ms. Berner apologized for being late. CPSW explained Ms. About safety plan. Ms. Berner understood and she signed them. Ms. Berner stated that she will be doing a house arrest for two weeks and the recommendation of her criminal court is to obey law and continue taking her medication on time and seeing her therapist. Also, cooperating with her PO and CPSW. CPSW consulted with the supervisor and she has approved both children to move back with Ms. Berner. Goal 1-2
On July 2, 2015, I was assigned this case to follow up. This case involves Mr. Kleot Whittman a seventeen year old juvenile male. Mr. Whittman has an extensive history for leaving without parental consent. He has a previous CHINS and probation violation cases (15-13092/15-129933/15-128777/15-127194).
On 04/03/2018, SI Koval reviewed a notice of entry of order by the District Court Family Division Clark County, Nevada dated 02/23/2018. The order was regarding the order of termination of parental rights from Ms. HUSSMAN for Hadleigh. The order further
Salter was court ordered to Shadescrest Health Care Center because of testimony and evidence presented to the court that Sue Salter is unable to provide for her own protection from abuse, neglect, and/or exploitation. She is an Adult in Need of Protective Services and placement, being incapable of adequately providing for her own self-care, due to mental and/or physical disabilities.
A report was received on 06/05/2017 alleging that the mother (Hermionne) left Ashante (C-V 17) with a non-relative since 02/2017 without any legal rights. According to the report, the mother refuses to take her child back home and will not engage with Ms. Aarons (caretaker) to provide legal documentation for the child to be enroll in school and taken to a Primary Care Physician. Ashante has not been is school for the past 4 months and are unable to enroll in school without paperwork. According to the report, Ashante self mutilates her arms, and the mother refuses to get counseling. The report indicates Ashante was to follow-up with a Cardiologist for a chest pain and the mother refuses to take her to the doctor.
A YWCA of Richmond counselor contacted DSVRC advocate requesting assistance with a client who sought a preliminary protective order in the General District Courthouse and had an upcoming permanent protective order hearing. Advocate became in contact with client, Ms. Z was a 22year old African American female whose abuser was her ex-boyfriend, whom she had no children with and did not cohabitate with. Ms. Z ended the relationship a few weeks ago due to physical violence within the relationship, her abuser began stalking her and threatening her through third parties. Speaking with Ms. Z she stated that the judge who heard her preliminary hearing advised her that she was unlikely to obtain a permanent order due to lack of evidence. Ms. Z stated
I, Jodi Tuscana am writing this letter in reference to the child custody issue involving Demario Means and Kimberli Bull, parents of Skylar Bull. I would like to do everything I can to make sure Demario is not allowed custody of Skylar due to his abusive and controlling nature, along with his family being connected to drug dealing in the local areas and Las Vegas. I have known Demario since around January 2015, ever since my younger sister Kimberli had started having a relationship with him she has changed in character dramatically for the worse. She started losing a noticeable amount of weight, she no longer could care about her appearance due to him controlling what she was allowed to wear, communication with her became nonexistent, she was never in the house because he wanted her to constantly be under his watch, and he also traumatized my youngest sister, Amee Bull, by abusing Kimberli in front of her while they were at our
The facts in this case are regarding the petitioner, Joshua DeShaney and the respondent, the county department of social services. In 1979, Joshua DeShaney was born and in 1980, a Wyoming court granted his parents a divorce and awarded custody to his father, Randy DeShaney. In January of 1982, Randy DeShaney’s second wife complained that he had previously “hit the boy, causing marks, and was a prime case for child abuse” (DeShaney v. Winnebago County). This would turn out to be the first of many complaints against Randy DeShaney regarding the abuse of Joshua DeShaney. Winnebago County Department of Social Services interviewed the father, and when asked if he abused his son, he denied such accusations and they did not pursue him any further. In January 1983, one year later, Joshua was admitted to a local hospital with bruises and abrasions, because of which, the physician suspected child abuse and notified the DSS. The DSS subsequently placed Joshua in temporary custody of the hospital but decided there was insufficient evidence of child abuse. They then recommended that Randy DeShaney enroll his son in preschool, provided Joshua’s father with counselling, and encouraged
CM contact ACS worker in regards to the child removal and the outcome of the family court dated for 4/24/17. As per ACS worker Ms. Harris child will no be returned to the father , the court decided to granted the custody to one of Mr. Simmons family member who resides in Connericut and the process will take appoximatley 2 more months to be
This case was last before the court on 1/4/2017 for a report to the court. The hearing was rescheduled until 2/6/2017, as all the attorneys were not present. At that time, temporary custody of Issac Johnson remained with the Department. The case was continued until 2/6/2017 for a status report.
Miesha is a 26-year-old African American female. She grew up in a single parent household in Collins, MS with her younger brother. Miesha’s mother worked two jobs and slept most of the time when she was at home. Miesha does know her biological father, however, he has been in and out of her life. Until the age of eighteen, Miesha regularly attended Our Kingdom Come Baptist Church, while living with her mother. Miesha is a high school graduate and is currently unemployed. She receives Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Medicaid, Section 8 and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. Miesha has two children, a son age 10 and a daughter age 5 by two different men. Miesha is not married; she is currently cohabitating with a man she has been dating for the past year. Miesha’s live in boy-friend sells drugs out of her home. Miesha states that he is mentally, verbally and physically abusive to her and has recently started being physically abusive towards her children.
In addition, the Florida Relocation law (61.13001) states that a child cannot reside over 50 miles from each parent’s home and any relocation cannot exceed more than 60 days. For this reason, I would like to clarify that the attached court order only shows what was approved by the judge, it only includes what the judge thought it was beneficial for my child. I attempted to get in writing a deep explanation of the case, but it was denied. I contacted the several attornies and I was told to print out the law which I have also attached to this memo. In this case, the relocation of my child was not even considered since it goes against the "Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act", primarily because the old act was inconsistent with the federal Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act and it is not considered beneficial for my
I decided to go through the courts to determine custody because of several reasons. The first reason was because my son’s father was on the birth certificate and, the police stated that if he took my son from me, it would be considered kidnapping. So, it was in essence to protect my son first. Secondly, it was part of the process of getting child support as well as my restraining order. The restraining order was done through the civil courts and, the originally gave me full custody temporarily until the actual custody process could begin. While, I was planning on going through the custody court at some time, I had to begin the process early because of several court standards. Before I was able to put my son on CCAP, I had to put his father on child support or else I would be noncompliant with their orders. Also, with the severity of the reasons for the restraining order, the judge believed that it was necessary for me to begin it immediately. But, going through the process, I understand why many young mothers like me do not go through the courts to deal with this manner.
According to many the custody of a child should be determined with the best interest of the child in mind. However, it is not easy for a