For many artists, subject takes precedent over medium. Therefore they use materials which best enable them to approach their subject in the manner they see fit. For example, an artist such as Shani Rhys James would use oil paint to facilitate her raw, gestural and emotional approach to portraiture ‘…which [is] read for [its] content, [its] colour and [its] abstract elements’ (Rhys James, no date: online). The versatility of the material allows her to build up coarse layers of paint and rework the same canvas over a period of time. In this instance, Rhys James’ medium is facilitating her work, the use of oil paint has no meaning in itself, and while she clearly considers the materiality of her work, it is in the sense of how the medium can be …show more content…
In his performance, Beuys covered his head with honey as a symbolic reference to ‘…his own efforts to expand the human potential for thought and expression beyond the rational…’ (Phaidon, no date: online), believing that through this ritualistic performance he could “…communicate…” with the hare. Here Beuys establishes a dialogue between honey as the material and the hare as the object. Both play a crucial role in his performance and are independently rich in their symbolic potential, but have a symbiotic quality as the honey is needed to communicate with the hare, but without the hare the honey loses its purpose. Beuys explained that “in mythology, honey was regarded as a spiritual substance…” (Rekow, no date: online), and therefore the honey takes on mystical qualities, evoking a sense of transcendence, its nutritional connotations suggesting spiritual nourishment. Honey can be read as a multi-faceted metaphor, as Beuys ‘…viewed the organisation of bees as very similar to socialism…’ (Rekow, no date: online). Therefore his use of this specific material could allude to his broader political beliefs such as that of ‘free democratic socialism’ (Beuys, 1977 cited in Atisma, no date: online ). Of course object symbolism is also important in Beuys’ work, with the hare signalling, among any other things, our ‘…tendencies to burrow […] into the …show more content…
Seeing such acclaimed galleries acknowledging how artists have worked symbolically with materials is a positive reflection on how this method of working has been utilised by artist, and highlights that an artwork’s medium can be just as important as its
Artists use their artworks to communicate different meanings and transfer specific messages to the audience. Their artworks can be presented in different forms like architecture, drawing, painting, sculpture, pottery and many other forms. Each artwork contains a specific meaning which is usually based on the artist 's beliefs, culture, identity and the nature surrounding us. Rona Rubuntja from the Hermannsburg Potters, Bronwyn Oliver, Christo and Jeanne Claude each presented their art in different forms but they all communicate meanings and ideas to the audience. Rona Rubuntja who is a senior member of the Hermannsburg Potters and her famous pottery work ‘I 'm Black’ for the exhibition ‘Our Land is Alive’ at the National Gallery of
In the second half of the twentieth century, artistic movements made pushes in order to move beyond the traditional gallery space, changing the terrain of displaying and making art. An artist’s body of work no longer needed to reside inside of a gallery or art collection, and artists became free to explore other ways of creating and displaying work. In this vein, Andy Goldsworthy works sculpturally with natural media, and leaves the sculptures within a particular environment, often expecting his work to decay quickly. Many times, the only evidence of any art he makes is the photographs taken during the process. By more traditional standards, art of this nature is entirely contradictory. What is the point of pieces of visual art that cannot
Prior to finishing my final piece I discovered how nostalgia and the recycling of materials is typical in art, especially amongst artists inspired by the past. Research on modern artists such as Doxey, inspired me to paint a chair to accompany my cushions. Further examination on a collection of art movements for example, Classicism, and Neoclassicism influenced my perceptions of art. Further research on the likes of Van Gogh, especially his piece, Dutch, 1853–1890, which inspired me to experiment with gouache, acrylics, and colour palate
Often times misunderstood and, at times, even complex to understand, Abstract is a category of artwork that challenges the viewer’s intellect through its array of bold color schemes, extracted ideas, and conceptual viewpoints. Expressionism is a sub-category of Abstract artwork, which encapsulates the philosophical, intellectual, and emotional stimulation it hopes to create in the observer, which frequently, is the objective of the artist who created the conceptual piece. Three artists who embody the abstract principles are Joan Mitchell, who was one of the first women expressionist painters who focused on landscape-type portraits, and a successive artist to similar abstract painters such as Mark Tobey, and also preceded by modern sculptor Lynda Benglis who literally “cements” abstract painting concepts into unique dimensional sculptures. Yet, Mitchell’s artwork is “special” to me
In life, sometimes men act fearless and manly in order to impress the girl to win her over with his masculinity. But what type of machismo attracts woman, the external or internal manliness? Apparently neither method works in the case of Brett in The Sun Also Rises where both Cohn and Jake reflect the two different aspects of this masculinity. Hemingway does have an attitude on which one is preferable, but alas neither of them gets the girl at the end. Throughout the novel, Hemingway creates a negative tone towards Cohn’s external manhood and a positive tone towards Jake internal manhood.
When you go to an art show do you understand the symbolic interpretation of the pieces? Don’t feel bad, most people don’t. What’s so upsetting about that is that you really miss out on the experience. When I think about interpretation of art I think of Andy Warhol. Andy Warhol’s use of iconography changed not only the art world but the people who came into contact with his art. Once you understand his life and art, you will understand his art as a symbolic representation.
The innovative and passionate presence in both Jackson Pollock’s and Wassily Kandinsky avant-garde paintings exemplifies the redefinition of boundaries throughout their art making practices. Both artists challenged traditions both materially and conceptually using innovative and diverse approaches to materials and techniques when painting. Wassily Kandinsky goes against traditions and academies to create vivid, sensual and symbolic large-scale semi abstract expressionist oil paintings in a heightened state of mind. Many artworks of his convey bright and cheerful spontaneous colours that make the audience fully consumed within his works due to hypnotic and distorted semi realist shapes. Consequently, Jackson Pollock also goes against
Art represents many characteristics. It can represent happiness, anger, or strength and beauty. My three artworks that I have chosen represent strength as well as beauty. The first painting, the horse represents the strength of such a beautiful well-crafted animal. The definition of the muscle on the horse, and the way Leonardo shows the shadowing characteristics of this animal is exquisite. The second painting, the recreation of “Starry night” shows how colors can change the mood or happiness drawn in by single strokes of color throughout the painting. The third painting 2D or not to 3D shows strength as well as beauty in the
The artists production of work; use of materials, representation of thoughts and ideas, and artists philosophy are all major aspects of the art making practice. Art reflects immensely personal aspects of the artists world. Raw, uncensored imagery and viewpoints are expressed through their art making. Many artists use art as a coping mechanism in order to handle and overcome suffering they experience within their personal lives. In many cases, art can almost serve as a biography of the artist.
The two works of art that I have chosen to analyze are 1) Jordan Casteel. Miles and JoJo. 2014. Oil on canvas, 54” x 72” and 2) Aaron Fowler. He Was. 2015. Mixed media, 134” x 165” x 108”. The themes that these works of art represent in regards to the exhibit are love, family, and pain. However, they also fall into other thematic categories. The main theme that seems to apply to both “Miles and JoJo” and “He Was” is Human Experience. Additionally, these arts differ in some ways.
Behind every art is a true intention and meaning no matter how much one may go beyond boundaries. Visiting Dallas for break, I found myself at The Dallas Contemporary. Dallas contemporary is one of the most unique museums located near the heart of Dallas. It’s known as a “non- collecting” museum which attracts thousands of people interested in contemporary art. Within the museum you will see art like no other, art that challenges the question “what is art”, “There are no categories in contemporary art. There are no rules. Artists are given the freedom to make and create whatever they please and call it whatever they please” (James Frey). Due to the fact that art has evolve over the years, unique artists around the world presents contemporary art that is placed in the museum. For the art review I decided to use a interesting painting that caught my attention during my visit to the museum.
Nurses utilize writing every day in clinical practice, making the attainment of professional writing skills an important goal for students. Scholarly writing is form of communication which exchanges health information amongst professionals and consumers. Professional nursing literature is formatted according to the American Psychological Association (APA) formatting standards. Producing well-written nursing documentation or publications helps nurses enhance their professional respectability along with the discipline’s respectability. Writing helps nursing practice become more efficient, patient-centered, and evidenced-based because it encourages critical, creative, and holistic thinking. It is recommended for registered nurses to have a solid foundation in scholarly writing, literature review, and APA formatting if they wish to contribute to nursing publications. This paper aims to reflect on the importance of professional writing throughout a nurse’s career.
Additionally, the materials used, tell further nuances and add depth to that story while the techniques also tell something more of self. The use of collage is deliberate, the materials used were deliberately something else before they were used, and this also says something about who I am, who I have become and what I exist within. Coats (2012) refers to two aspects of creating as a single entity in my mind, but which for me, are quite distinct: materials and technique or method. Coats (2012) sees the shaping of pieces for collage by artists like Eric Carle, what I would refer to as material use, as “their concern [being] mostly to create forms and colours, and textures that suggest the things they are trying to represent,” (Coats 2012 p.86).
Abstract Expressionism is making its comeback within the art world. Coined as an artist movement in the 1940’s and 1950’s, at the New York School, American Abstract Expressionist began to express many ideas relevant to humanity and the world around human civilization. However, the subject matters, contributing to artists, were not meant to represent the ever-changing world around them. Rather, how the world around them affected the artist themselves. The works swayed by such worldly influences, become an important article within the artists’ pieces. Subjectively, looking inward to express the artist psyche, artists within the Abstract Expressionism movement became a part of their paintings. Making the paintings more of a representation
In this article the welfare approach discussed in Sandel’s Justice is used. The welfare approach recognizes that maximizing welfare, improving the standard of living, and aiding economic growth promote prosperity.