
Joseph Milteer: The Killing Of John F. Kennedy

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President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963. He was said to be killed by Lee Harvey Oswald, but there has been some conspiracies about Oswald killing the John F. Kennedy. I believe that Joseph Milteer (Milteer) is the one who helped with killing President Kennedy but he couldn’t do it alone. Milteer had to have help because he was reported to be in the crowd when the motorcade passed by so how would Milteer shoot him, he must have had help. Milteer Also must have had to frame Oswald for killing John F. Kennedy. How do we know who actually shot the 35th president John F. Kennedy. Like I said I believe that Joseph Milteer had planned to kill John Kennedy. There is proof of a phone call the Milteer had with William Somersett …show more content…

The first witness is Gordon Arnold he said that he parked his car behind the grassy knoll because there is a parking lot. Gordon was getting ready to go over to the railroad bridge so he can take a good picture, but a CIA agent told him he cannot go over there so Gordon moved. The CIA agent came to him again and told him to move so he went on to the grassy area in front of the fence. Gordon was getting his camera ready to take a picture and he heard a shot go by his left ear so he got down of the ground because he served in the war he says that he heard another shot go over his …show more content…

Then he remembered while he was driving on the freeway that President John F. Kennedy was going to be in Dallas that day. Ed pulled over on the side and parked his car and watched for the president. He waited and was looking where he would be coming from and then he saw two suspicious men. The first guy was wearing a black hat and a blue jacket and he saw a puff of smoke and he thought it was a cigarette, but it ended up being a gun. Then the guy who had the gun turned and gave it to the other guy and then the first guy straightened his jacket and walked away. The second guy who now had the gun walked over to the electrical box with the gun and he took it apart and put it in a toolbox. The motorcade passed by him and he realized that President Kennedy has been shot! He looked around and he saw a police officer and tried to get his attention but the officer didn’t notice him. Then he got in his car and drove to the area where he saw the two men but there were so many people he couldn’t find them. So he went to the FBI to tell them what he saw but they didn’t what him to say anything and they offered him money to keep quiet. The FBI didn’t understand that it was important for Hoffman to tell them what he

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