
Joseph Murphy

Decent Essays

Yesterday happened to be “Take Our Daughters to Work Day,” a special occasion observed by people all over the United States, from people in the local community as well as people nationwide. No one knows how many people participated nationally or locally, but from accounts, at least several hundred local parents took the opportunity on this special day to take their daughters to work with them. The purpose of the occasion local sponsors and promoters say was to expose young girls to a variety of career opportunities, some traditionally not pursued by women. One of the persons locally who participated with his 14-year-old daughter was Joseph Murphy, who is 40 years old. Murphy is the director of research at Collins Industries, which specializes …show more content…

Murphy had worked for the company since graduating from college 18 years ago. He started as a research assistant. He got two promotions during that period of time and eventually was appointed a director of research, managing a staff of fourteen researchers and their assistants. The president of the company could not be reached for comment. “It’s not for me I worry about,” Murphy said. “It’s my daughter. It’s not right. They shouldn’t have fired me yesterday when I had my daughter there. I can’t believe they couldn’t have waited . . . It was just so unbelievable, so cruel, that they would do that with my daughter there.” All company employees had been sent by the company’s Office of Human Resources an email reminder that they were free and encouraged to bring their daughters with them for the day. The company will give Murphy three months’ severance pay and help to find a new job. “The timing of the dismissal of Mr. Murphy was regrettable,” said Quentin. The company has been laying off employees and restructuring itself after disclosing unexpected and mounting financial losses last summer in the wake of the economic downturn that hit the nation. A total of 8 mid-level managers were being let go effective immediately as a necessary cost-cutting

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