Josie’s skin was smooth and warm, stretched taut over her athletic body.
Now that the storm had subsided, Josie’s taut muscles relaxed and she felt calm.
Josie had to implore her parents to buy her a phone, eventually her parents gave in.
Josie’s parents had to implore her to make her bed.
Having a best friend in school is a great asset.
The family heirloom watch is an asset.
Chocolate is irresistible, eventually I end up giving in by eating it.
Subway sandwhiches are irresistible, I can’t last more than a month without one.
Josie was cold in class, so she put on her soft yellow and blue madras shirt.
Josie’s favorite thing to wear is her soft, yellow and blue, madras shirt.
The man had an innocent
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At a funeral, Josie was rueful, she cried among others.
After Josie’s brother accidentally broke Josie’s arm, he was rueful.
Some parts of the past are unfathomable, we may never know all the answers.
The deepest depths of the ocean are unfathomable, no one knows what creatures lurk down there.
Josie was incredulous that one of her family members died.
After learning about the holocaust in school, Josie was incredulous.
After Josie and her best friend had a fight, they both acted aloof towards each other, which resulted in both of the girls to become sad.
Josie’s parents acted aloof towards each other after their divorce. 11a)
When the girl woke up in the morning she had a cowlick in the back of her head.
Some children are born with cowlicks in different sections of their hair.
The ornery criminal was in jail for beating someone up, because the victim called the criminal “stupid”.
Nobody wants to go out drinking with an ornery drunk, because they would pick fights with strangers.
Josie and her brother were bickering so much in the car that their parents had to resolve their petty argument.
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15a) The thunderstorm soon subsided and became only rain.
Josie’s anger soon subsided and she was able to talk calmly.
The car ride to florida seemed to be unceasing.
Detention seemed to be unceasing.
The teacher bored her students because of her predictable static teaching style.
The traffic was static, it moved two minutes every two hours.
The parents were always within earshot of their children, so that they could always hear them if something was wrong.
At the hospital, the patient’s family members were always within earshot of the doctor.
The teenage girl took a quick glance at her school crush.
Since the girl only took a quick glance at the homework board she couldn’t remember the homework by the time she got home.
The math homework was enigmatic, Josie barely understood it.
The girl had an enigmatic personality, it was always hard for her friends to understand her.
Josie went to the salon to get blonde highlights in her hair, later on she found out that they had used peroxide on her hair.
The peroxide bubbled in the open cut.
The fire was
Tsumetai, a captain from 1000 years ago had travled through time to stop Sasuke Kokolia, a very powerful adversary known to have created a device capable of interfereing with Space-Time.
"Can I see you to the hotel?" Milano offered when he went to the door and opened it.
I feel as though Katie Nolan lacks the ability to confront her problems. Rather than making a compromise with her drunken husband, she locked him away. This symbolizes that she may not be a strong willed, emotionally stable person after all. What if she only ignores her problems until they wither away into nothingness? I took a particular liking to Sissy. Although overly promiscuous, she appeared to be a very good person. - it’s just the way she solved dilemmas, through the use of promiscuity and lies. She was certainly emotionally available, however. Which is why I believe Francie and Johnny took a liking to her.
She meets Josie for lunch before she leaves town. Josie thinks her mom and Cincinnati has something to do with the murder. Josie hates Cincinnati he is a longtime off and on again boyfriend whom has always mistreated Josie’s mom. Later Cincinnati dies and Josie’s mom gets arrested on her way back to New Orleans.
Burrowed: Move underneath or press close to something in order to hide oneself or in search of comfort. Especially in times of worrisome or need. Ex: John is burrowed deep under his bed sheet covers when he hears noises at night.
The quote is important because the colors Jean see’s are look at differently from seeing differences in people. Jean does not see a difference between whites and black’s. “She was color blind.” (Narrator, 122) The word refers herself due to Atticus raising Jean to treat everyone equally. My opinion about the quote is that the color are referred to how she was raised and see’s a different point of view of people. In the end, Jean Louise sees the truth about herself and her opinions about her father and the world around her.
Chapter 1 A young woman appears out of nowhere and quickly catches up to another who's dashing along a moonlit lane. "Are we late?" She asks as she falls into step besides the older woman. "No not yet, but we need to hurry, we don't have much time." "Follow me," the older woman replies, and her dark cloak billows about casting shadows on the high stone walls that border the lane. They walked side by side in silence for a long ways and then through a set of huge iron gates swung opened before them and onto a narrow driveway. A manor house grew out of the darkness at the end of the straight drive, lights glinting in the windows. Gravel crackled beneath their feet as speeding toward the front door, which swung inward at their approach, though
Josie feels as if she is not close with her mom, and she can’t genuinely convey her feelings. Their relationship lacks veracity and communication. Her mother doesn’t understand Josie because Josie is an unauthentically spurious, she has to act like her friends do. Alex withal doesn’t seem intrigued with Josie’s life, but more about her current cases in court. She knows her mother cares genuinely about her but never verbalizes about the diminutive things transpiring with Josie. Josie doesn’t know her father. When she meets him he doesn’t authentically want to get to know her because he has an incipient life commenced with another family. In the terminus of the book she admits to shooting her boyfriend Matt. She and Peter then make a pact to not talk about it ever again. She used to be best friends with Peter when they were younger, but she ceased being friends with him in order to be popular. Peter is what everyone calls a loser, has no friends, but he really wants to be friends with Josie. Josie used to stand up against the bullies’ and protect Peter. She used to not care what anyone thought of her, but now that’s all she cares about. Everyone cerebrates Josie as a popular,
“I know what will make you feel better. Let’s play the happy game,” called the sound of Freddy’s voice.
Annie wakes to the sharp, piercing sound of eroded metal scraping against the ground beneath her, and she opens her eyes to see Armin standing there, accompanied by the two minions he’d brought with him the day before. “I trust you slept well?”
Klara would do anything to make sure Josie is ok, which shows her selflessness and how she sacrifices herself. Klara says “I did wonder. If I were to continue Josie, if I were to inhabit the new Josie, then what would happen to. all of this?” (On page 210 till the top of 211)
“Were going to be doing a very messy and chaotic project today!” she said that eagerly and walked to the end of the room. She slipped off her fuzzy slippers to reveal mis-matched socks.
Walking out of the bathroom, she picked up the sweater she’d worn yesterday, and slipped it on, gently pulling her long blonde hair out from underneath the back of the sweater.
If you read the diary of a high school girl, what could you learn about her? The name of her best friend, what kind of a person she is, and maybe even signs of troubles deeper than the bad grade she got on her last chemistry exam would pop out at you. She probably would not explicitly state these things, either—they would become apparent simply by looking at how often her best friend’s name appeared within the pages, how she interacted with the people around her, and how she described her thoughts and feelings. Seeing things directly from her perspective would give you a unique look at who she was as a person, what her relationships with other people were like, and what her take on events was, all without ever being told what they were like
When your life revolves around the sea as ours does, you hear stories. Stories of deep sea monsters, mermaids, giant squids right out of a Moby Dick novel, are just some of the tales we’ve heard. Most stories about mysterious creatures we shrug off as ‘not bloody likely’, but others enter the realm of real possibility.