
Journal Day 16 Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Journal Day 16 I was observing and preparing for today’s and tomorrow’s lessons. One of the computers I was using was kind of freezing on me. The tech person of the school came to take a look at it. However, there was nothing wrong with it. 5th period went over the crossword puzzle and when into groups to do a reading activity that will also be presented next Wednesday. it is worth 50 points and I will be helping article one more, it is hard to judge yet of when to step in and for how long. This afternoon I was observed by my supervisor from Clarion University. I need to review Bloom’s taximonate and make the objectives match the assessment. Use the words like, analyze, interrupt, list, and list the way it can be assessed. Say for a project, list the rubics! Next time when I am to be observed I am to actually be teaching the class. Journal Day 17 I have my vehicle back, so it was a good day. The only downside would be that there was a two hour delay, and the classes were all mixed up. It also affected the students. It also showed me that I need to prepare …show more content…

It was just questions of the day and then a few Kahoot games as a review. Next week, the students will be having a quiz on sections 1-2. My cooperating teacher and myself are curious to see if it helps the students do better when it comes time for the tests. There was also a scare at the school. We were going to leave at 3:00pm. However, while I was putting in the grades, I did one class and then I was looking at the grades online and it was extreme different than what they should have been. I had not changed the page, etc. So, when the teacher had gotten back I ask him, and here I was somehow on the page for the grades of the whole year. We did not know if I had changed anything, so we were going through all the classes in different nine weeks. False alarm, we did not leave until 3:30ish. I have Friday and Monday off so there is a nice break and more time to prepare for next

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