
Journal Entry # 1 :

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Journal Entry # 1: "Your name is Andrew. You are 13 years old. You are an orphan. And your life sucks." This is me. This is who I am. A small speck in the world. No one. Nothing. "You are stupid, fat, and ugly. You are an only child. You are un-loved. You are scared of mostly everything in the world." Fire. Spiders. Trains. Bridges. Heights. Clowns. Birds. Water. Snakes. Things that make noise. Cars. Metal grates. Thunderstorms. Dogs. Things that crawl. Public Speaking. Homework. Sunburns. Sharks. Mountains. Sand. Snow. Death. Life. Cats. Fire hydrants. Plants. Bees. Tight spaces. Feet. Fruit. Trash. Things that fly. Falling down. People touching me. The dark. Homeless people. Holes. Pigeons. Poverty. Disease. Sports. School. Failing in life. Succeeding in life. Walking. Running. Biking. Swimming. Fire. Spiders. Trains. Bridges. Heights. Clowns. Birds. Water. Snakes. Things that make noise. Cars. Metal grates. Thunderstorms. Dogs. Things that crawl. Musical instruments. Homework. Sunburns. Sharks. Mountains. Sand. Snow. Death. Life. Cats. Fire hydrants. Plants. Bees. Tight spaces. Feet. Fruit. Trash. Things that fly. Falling down. People touching me. The dark. Homeless people. Holes. Pigeons. Poverty. Disease. Sports. School. Failing in life. Succeeding in life. Walking. Running. Biking. Swimming. This is me. This is who I am. A small speck in the world.

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