
Journal One Revealed: A Narrative Fiction

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Journal 1: Were at the doctor’s, Kaylynn is 10 months old. It’s her normal 2 months appointment. The doctor has that look that something wrong. I can tell because she is my best friend and I am her nurse. Were sitting in the room. It’s Bright and colorful Kaylynn smiling her cute little smile just makes everything feel better. Dr.Kay walks in, she has bad news. “Kaylynn has Progeria, I am very sorry Taezsa.” She says. I don’t even know how this could happen! Logan is 6 and he fine how could happen to my princess? “What will happen? Do you know for sure she has it?” I say in my worried voice. “We will do some genetic testing, it won’t hurt one bit. We just take a sample of blood or saliva.” “When will we be doing this?” I say …show more content…

I felt like things were getting better, but in reality they weren’t. I know Kaylynn won’t live long, but it's worth everything to make it last. Everything felt good we were fighting this together, Kaylynn wasn’t in this alone. Were with her 100 percent. We will do whatever it takes to make her better. She may have problems, but she worth every single penny. Even Logan is helping he got his sister a teddy bear. Maybe this won’t be so bad at all. If we stay strong and believe anything could happen. Journal 6: Today would've been Kaylynn’s 16 birthday. She would’ve gotten her first car today, just like Logan did. She died at the age of 8. The doctors tried everything. Her poor heart just gave out on her. She tried to live. She never gave up on herself. She went to school, and did everything the other kids did. She didn’t let her disease stop her. She may of not been good at it, but she tried. Kaylynn inspired many, especially me. She pushed herself, she didn’t want special treatment. She knew if she believed in herself she could do anything. When she turned six we took her to Disney World. She has always loved to pretend to be a princess and her dream came true since then she followed her dream. She always was telling everyone not to give up that she believed they could do it. She helped everyone follow their dreams. If Kaylynn were still alive, I would say …show more content…

I love you so much Kaylynn you were my role model. I truly am proud of you, I couldn’t of asked for a better daughter. You didn’t bring depression, anger or sadness anywhere you went. You always had a smile on your face. I wouldn’t choose you over any little girl. You brought happiness into the world you made people know that life is precious and you shouldn’t worry, or give up. You made people to forgive and forget, to always try go after something. Kaylynn you made a big difference in everyone's life. You were the most gorgeous girl in this world. I love you so much. You were my super hero, you made everyone feel better no matter what. You’re never gone you’re always with

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