Your question is really difficult to answer, especially if you have never experienced living in a country during and after war. My decision will depend on my family and the situation that we are in. For instance, if I still have my parents and children of my own, I would probably flee with them. I do not want them to suffer anymore, and going to another country will give them a new hope in life. As what we have seen in the film, Journey from the Fall, Mai Nguyen escaped Vietnam with her son and mother-in-law in order to start a new life in America. I believe that her reason for escaping is to protect her son, who is very young. She is enduring all the pain; such as being separated from her husband just to make sure the safety of their son.
Inpatient falls after joint replacement surgeries can cause many complications, prolong hospitalizations and increase healthcare costs. These falls can lead to things such as wound infections and sometimes falls can even require a patient to have a revision surgery. This is especially true in postoperative joint replacement surgical patients. While assessing the orthopedic surgical unit where I work, gaps were found in completing fall risk assessments on patients, which is a requirement. Strategies to prevent falls were not always being followed. Things like a postoperative patient that may require two people to help while ambulating at least for the first day or so was not being done. If the requirement for a two person assist is not
Ch. 1 Head of Falls (pg. 3) This chapter goes over a location called, “Head of Falls.” Going over the history, as Senator George Mitchell’s childhood years are around the given location. Waterville is also within close vicinity, as a train would pass by, giving a nostalgic feeling to GM on how he endured many nights with a loud train passing by.
Monday Mourning by Kathy Reichs is a crime fiction book, where, a forensic anthropologist, Temperance Brennan tries to unveil the identity of three skeletons that were found in the basement of a pizza parlor in Montreal, Canada. Brennan works with homicide detectives Luc Claudel and his partner, Michel Charbonneau, and Andrew Ryan, who is also her lover. Throughout the book, both Brennan and Claudel doubted each other’s competence to solve the case. According to Brennan institution, she believes that the three skeletons might be recent, however, Claudel speculates it to be century old due to findings of three antique buttons near their bodies. As a result, Claudel puts very little effort in this case, whereas, Brennan is determined to identify the year of death so to validate her inspection and to drew attention of Claudel and her other colleagues to this case. In the process of solving this investigation, she finds herself dragged to other homicides that were affiliated with the three skeleton remains.
The book tears of a tiger is written by Sharon M. Draper and was published in 1994. The book tells the aftermath of 17 year old Andrew Jackson killing his best friend, Robert Washington, in a car crash after driving while impaired. The story heavily includes the turmoil that was caused from Rob’s death and the repercussions Andy faces after the accident.
Lina emigrated from Iraq because someone who held different religious beliefs than those of Lina’s family threatened her safety. Linda Trinh Vo states, “Unlike most immigrants, refugees do not leave their country voluntarily, but are compelled to leave by life-threatening circumstances or are forcibly expelled” (291) in her work “The Vietnamese American Experience: From
According to the Joint Commission Resources-JCR (2005), there is no universally accepted definition of a fall. Thus several definitions have been floated over time in an attempt to define the same. One such definition of a fall is "an untoward event that results in the patient or resident coming to rest unintentionally on the ground or another lower surface" (Joint Commission Resources, 2005). Falls are regarded common causes of injury at every age. However, it is important to note that for seniors, falls can have serious consequences. This is more so the case given that a fall can bring about pain, trauma, or even death. With that in mind, the primary purpose of this program remains the reduction of falls and hence the aversion of related injuries amongst the concerned patients. Of key importance remains the identification of patients who appear to be at high risk of falling. This way, appropriate strategies can be developed to reduce the injuries related to inpatient falls.
Musicians often use their music as a way of expressing their emotions and thoughts to others in an entertaining way that is appealing to others. One band that does this is Falling in Reverse, which is led by the lead singer Ronnie Radke. Radke had a difficult childhood being raised by his single father after his mother left. This incident has severely affected him, which is revealed in many songs why he became a drug addict and he is still getting over it today. That occurrence altered the way he looked at society eventually giving him a pessimistic world view. Radke uses his music to talk about how he views society around him, and how he feels like humans have become overly violent and shut off from one another. That theme and overall message of societal hardships and mistakes humans keep making is clearly talked about in his song, “Wait and See.” The song whole-heartedly embraces Radke’s world views as he tries to show his listeners the mess the world has become, and how they have gotten themselves into their predicament. Radke conveys his thoughts through the use of numerous literary devices to create a meaningful and enjoyable song to try and spread his concerns to all.
One concept that I have learned from the lecture that I have applied to my clinical setting this week was the importance of fall risks. I applied what I learned from the fall lecture when I was in the dementia unit. One of the patients had a high fall risk so whenever she would try to get into her wheelchair I would make sure that I was there to help her into it and I would always make sure that after she was put into bed that the giant mats were placed next to her bed when she was in it that way the patient would not get as hurt if she fell trying to get up from the bed by herself when no one was around.
Mother Tongue is a story that describes how Amy Tan’s mother was treated unfairly because of her “broken English”. As the second generation of Chinese immigrants, Tan faces more problems than her peers do. Her mom, who speaks “limited” English, needs Tan to be her “translator” in order to communicate with the native English speakers. Tan has felt ashamed of her mother “broken” language at first. She then contemplates her background affected her life and her study. However, she changes her thought at the end since she realizes things behind language might be more valuable than language itself sometimes. Through the various different literary devices and rhetorical strategies such as the ethos, pathos, and logos appeals, as well as a
In “The Victims” by Sharon Olds it describes a divorce through the eyes of the parents’ children. The first section is shown through past tense as the speaker is a child and the last section is shown in present tense with the speaker already being an adult trying to make sense of past events. The word “it” in the first two lines carries a tremendous weight, hinting at the ever so present abuse and mistreatment, but remaining non-specific. The first part generates a negative tone toward the father who is referred to as malicious by the mother who “took it” from him “in silence” until she eventually “kicked him out.” Through the entirety of the poem the children are taught to hate their father. Who taught them? Their mother showed them that their father was a villain and were taught to have no sympathy for him but “to hate you and take it” and so they did so. Although the poem never directly states what the father did to receive the family’s hated, the speaker gives examples as to why he is hated.
Legends of the Fall is an excellent story of brotherhood, loss, and life. Originally Legends of the Fall was a story written by Jim Harrison, but later was adapted into a film. The story tells of three brothers named: Alfred, Tristan, and Samuel, who lived their lives on a plantation in Montana and then decided to go to war once the youngest brother was of age. Samuel, the youngest brother seemed to be favored by the family; and the older brothers only want to go to war to protect him. Eventually tragedy strikes and young Samuel is killed by machine guns due to his blindness from mustard gas. Tristan (the middle brother) took Samuel’s death especially hard and many other characters thought he had become completely mad. Once Tristan and
Within the film The Dark Knight, one of the many techniques used was symbolism. One of the symbols that was portrayed throughout the film was Two-Face’ coin, it represents how Two-Face leaves his choices up to chance, but since the coin got burnt everything equals a messy death. When it comes down to it everything is a life or death situation although there were a few scenes that showed that Two-Face didn’t always listen to what the coin said because “he makes his own luck” (Nolan 2008). Another symbol was the bat signal, it represents the trust between Batman and Gordon. Harvey did use the bat signal at one point and violated the personal connection between them, which was wrong, only Gordon was allowed to use it because he earned the right
Many people must flee their homes. Ha had to leave because she was in a war zone. If her family had stayed she could have died. Til Gurung, a refugee from Bhutan, was forced out of his home because “...we did not speak the language or practice the religion or culture of the royal family.”
I felt extremely connected to the true story Into Thin Air, written by Jon Krakauer, because of the people written about. I personally felt a connection to Beck Weathers. He is a doctor with strong political opinions that he knows how to back up. I am not a doctor, but I do have strong political opinions that I know how to support. I, like him, get into multiple political rants. Some of my friends warn other people, like Krakauer’s fellow clients warned him, not to get into political arguments with me or to ask me political questions, because I will argue my point and disagree with you for as long as possible. Rob Hall, another one of the climbers written about, gave me a special impact. He reminded me of my father. Like Rob Hall plans his
Treatment for tetralogy of Fallot can only happen with open heart surgery either done soon after birth or later in infancy. The goal of surgery is to repair the four defects of tetralogy of Fallot while ensuring that the heart can work as ordinarily as possible. Repairing the defects can greatly improve a child's quality of life and health. The pediatric cardiologist and cardiac surgeon will choose the best time to do the surgery. They will base their choice on a baby's health and weight and the harshness of the defects and