
Jovian Planets Do Not Have Natural Rings

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Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune collectively make up the group known as the Jovian planets. The general structure of these planets are the opposite of the terrestrial planets. The Jovian planets have a small and dense core surrounded by huge layers of gas rather than having thin atmospheres around large and rocky bodies. These planets are made up almost entirely of hydrogen and helium and do not have solid surfaces. All four Jovian planets are surrounded by a set of rings. These rings consist of rock, ice and dust particles that rage from microscopically small particles to the size of a giant houses, cars etc. There is plenty information about what is currently known and theorized about the formation of the rings, the different ring systems, and why terrestrial planets do not have natural rings. …show more content…

Something we do know about these rings are that they are old. While it is thought that the rings of these planets are old, the particles that make up these rings are very young (“RingsRings."). The majority of these particles are bright (“RingsRings." ). Due to this, implications can be made that the particles aren’t very old because they have not had time to collect any dust. This suggest that the particles somehow get recycled and some scientist believe that the particles coalesce into moons and repeatedly break up again (“RingsRings." ). However there are many other theories about how the Jovian ring system was formed. The possibilities include, the moon coming to close to the planet and breaking apart, some particles cold just be dust and bits of rock and ice that were once floating around the solar system were once captured by the giant planets (“RingsRings." ) . Despite all these studies and discoveries there is still not a definite answer. Scientist are still working hard and learning about these beautiful

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