
Judge Judy Research Paper

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In the scenario in which judge Judy, a television star, makes more money then a real judge, judge Sandra Day O’Conner, I believe this is not fair. Some people are born with talents in which they make a great deal of money off of by pleasing the public’s eye, however if “society doesn’t put a great value on MY talent (48:23)” then the talent you are born with is worthless. In the case of Judge Judy, she is making millions of dollars off of her talent to be a good actor. But not all of us our born with a talent which the public sees as worth money; meaning not everyone’s talents will cause them to make millions (Sandel 163). This scenario links with children who are born into poor families. It is not fair that the child is born with a disadvantage of not getting a good education because there family is unable to pay for schooling. This is where public schools and start programs, funded by taxes, help place every child at the same start line without a disadvantage. These …show more content…

If there is too much equality then the least well off wont be able to watch late night TV. So you need to find a balance where taxation still leaves enough incentive for the least well off to benefit from their talents. (33:31)” I agree with this. The rich should be taxed more to help the least well off so that everyone starts at the same line, no one is born with an advantage. However I do not agree with his statement, if there is too much quality then there will be no incentive. Yes I think actors do it for the money but not all actors start off with the drive to become rich. Some people are just embracing their love/ talent they have and there reward is millions but it is not expected. That means that I do not believe late night TV will be discontinued just because the pay isn’t as high. If the pay were never high to begin with then the inceptive would not

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