
Judicial Activism

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engaging in illicit drug dealing, not to define standards of medical practices (Justia US Supreme Court 2006). The Court affirmed the Ninth’s ruling against Attorney General Ashcroft. Justice Scalia dissented and wrote. “I hereby determine that assisting suicide is not a ‘legitimate medical purpose” (Justia US Supreme Court 2006). So the same conservatives on the Bench that favor state’s rights thought it was legitimate for one officer of the Executive Branch to define the laws practice. Neither with a claim a textual Constitutional evidence, yet activist driven for their ideological reasoning to achieve the desired results. Visa Versa Too In District of Columbia v. Heller (2008), it was ruled the Second Amendment protects the right …show more content…

Generally, this papers attempted to present a few examples. Choosing to define “activism” loosely itself may be judged as an act of activism too. But, the paper only attempted to break down the liberal ideological ownership of the term. The definitions can be summarized as the willingness to strike down laws, to depart from authority of text, history, and/or precedent, to include sweeping rules or reach out to decide issues not properly before the Court, or to impose intrusive remedial orders on someone (Young 2002, 1141). This is a complete definition that satisfies all the examples presented in this paper. Clarifying the definition of activism is still without finality, but activism is no longer just championed by the liberal …show more content…

President Obama framed judicial activism as opposing the "will of Congress," while conservatives have tended to focus more on the judicial nullification of state laws (Whittington 2014). They all prefer to be activist jurist when they believe that the legislature has made a constitutional error, and they are willing to override minorities on the bench or political opposition in order to compel their interpretations of constitutional requirements. (Whittington 2014). If anything has been proven here, is activism is not a philosophy. Activism is only a degree of evaluation in deciding cases. Judicial Review results in a spectrum of a simple yes or no in restraint judicial decisions, to almost anything else in activism judicial

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