
Juggalos Research Paper

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The Juggalo family is made up of Faygo drinking, face paint wearing, hatchet throwing ninjas who are misunderstood die-hard fanaticals of the Insane Clown Posse. This subculture is uncommon because it was established from a devoted fan base. From the growth and popularity a largely formed culture of their own has been created. The subject matter involving Juggalos and Juggalettes was compelling because of the shape under which this subculture formed and their correlation to a ruling society. People ridicule this subculture but to this distinctive group of people being a Juggalo or Juggulate is something that is just who you are. They are a flawless example of what embodies a subculture. This group has symbols, fashion, language, …show more content…

The word Juggalo was a designation the Insane Clown Posse gave themselves but expanded the expression to include their followers. When the song "What is a Juggalo" was released it was an instant success. The track really defines this subculture by devaluing social norms throughout the lyrics. When Vinnie Monaster who writes for a column called Ask a Juggalo was asked, “How does one officially become a Juggalo?” He responded by saying “It's not a trophy. It's not something that you can buy. Nothing like that. It just is what it is. You can be a fucking Juggalo and not even listen to ICP, or any artist on Psychopathic Records, you know? A Juggalo is flat out something that absolutely is just who you are. Just a state of mind. And there are all walks of Juggalos, but no point in time is there any kind of an activity or some kind of a ritual or anything like that”. Another long time super fan of the ICP Tabetha Johnson or better know as JUgGaLeTTe 4 EvEr blogs about her experience as a Juggalette. She describes this by saying “Being yourself. See the world differently from normal society and don’t give a fuck where your opinion fits in. Juggalettes don't take shit from other people, they know who they are and they accept it. True Juggalettes know what it's like to be an outsider.” It is agreed by all the word Juggalo itself bonds everyone …show more content…

This one hundred and fifty dollar, five-day celebration is held at a privately owned campsite in Illinois. The Gathering of the Juggalos has a wide range of events during this time. This includes carnival rides, concerts, mud wrestling, rap battles, and swimming in hepatitis lake. Thousands of fellow Juggalo’s from every walk of life are in the audience. Many people will quit their job if they are unable to get time off of work to attend this event. It is a great way to spend sometime with other ICP fans while getting fucked up with your new family. The scene is expressed as being a place filled with genuine people who listen to weird shit. Most identify as a special bread of people in this subculture. The Jugallos feel as if others turn them away because of the way they speak and their appearance. It isn’t just a music choice to them it is a

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