When I review the video I created with Julia, Sophie, and Sarah, I find that there were things we did not perfectly portray and things that we portrayed well. It was difficult to create certain things with our specific model choice and things that we just didn’t completely understand at the time we created our model. In our video portraying Mitosis, Meiosis, and Fertilization, we used cookies and icing. It was difficult to perfectly display all of our information with our limited color choices and our lack of strong baking skills. There were a lot of positives to doing it this way as well. With the malleability of the cookie dough we were able to express the physical duplication of the cell and how it pinches with two separate nuclei formed
Website to go for quizzes and activities: Print out the quizzes for mitosis and meiosis http://www.phschool.com/science/biology_place/labbench/
Since 1970s, Simmons has staged prospect for her own camera having dolls, ventriloquist dummies, objects on the legs and infrequently people, to produce "images with intensely psychological subtexts" (Simmons, L. 2011).
One student also commented that the video should have been more spread out since overall, it seemed crammed together. The pictures could have also been in more rapid succession so that it appears more exciting and keeps the audience’s
make my students feel, and I hope that I never do. That was how the video impacted me and
For example, I found it difficult not using the word why to ask a question. I know that asking a why question will get you a yes or no answer which will in the end cause Amanda to become resistant, but it was still difficult. I believe I did a great job at affirming although I could have used more because Amanda is broken in this video dialogue and every time I turned a positive into a negative, gave her a compliment, or encouraged her she lit up. I am honestly confused on reflections because there are so many different types of reflections and I found it difficult to know when to use which reflection. I also felt that I reflected way too much. In my opinion, my video recording sounds like a broken record. I wonder if clients will get frustrated with their therapist continuously repeating what their saying like I felt that I was doing. I believe that
In the tutorial by Kylie’s makeup artist, I feel that it was a combination of my primary picture tutorial and a video because it had text of the steps but the makeup artist was also explaining what she was doing which was effective and could be helpful for the viewer. In Roxette’s tutorial I liked how she gave a first impression of the palette and that could make a video more effective for the viewer if they haven’t used the palette yet, or aren’t so literate in makeup. I think my primary artifact could’ve been more effective if it was more organized and gave more in depth instructions of the makeup look. It would also need to include more information about the palette and what specifics the viewer needs to get this look; then I would feel more confident about using a picture tutorial over a video
Mitosis is the process of duplicating nuclear material one cell becomes two cells. A cell contains 46 chromosomes, this is known as diploid. This process involves prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. Mitosis ensures the continuation of the organism and helps the body build and repair. Meiosis on the other hand is for production of haploid cells, 23 chromosomes, that together with another human, new organisms are created.
When I watched my own video I realized a lot of things that I did well. One of thing,that
I am Indian. My entire family is Indian. I am the very first child to have been born outside of India. My parents’ generation were the first to marry into non-Indian families. So America is pretty new for us. However, there isn’t really anything special about us coming to this country. My aunt came for school. My father came for school. My mother came because of my father. They all came by plane comfortably, and never experienced an adventure while coming into the US. It was the most boring travel story EVER.
My favorite part about this movie is that there was very little talking, yet there was so much language and expression being portrayed. I think it almost puts us in the perspective of the infant. There was some talking in another language but I did not understand it, this is the same for a baby. They hear the talking but do not make sense of it. Instead in this video we must rely on our other senses to get the story. We need to vigilantly watch the setting and body language of people to understand what is going on. We cant just half watch and listen like we all do to other movies we aren’t interested in. Like an infant, we must use more than just our hearing. There are three topics I want to bring up that jumped out at me in this movie. The first is the immense amount of communication skills present as an infant. Then, I want to touch briefly on some imitation that I saw. Finally, I want to compare the four babies and how their language skills are culturally affected.
3. Make sure the flow go rational and clear. When we are creating the story, the video should look visually consistent from beginning until the end.
Every elected position in the United States government has either a term limit or a reelection cycle. The President can serve up to two four year terms, while senators and congressmen serve, respectively, six year and two year terms, at the end of which they have to run for reelection. This system of reelection and, in the case of the president, term limits, gives a chance for new faces, new minds, and new ideas, to be brought into the political world. However, the last branch of government does not seem to abide by any of the rules set forth for other branches of government. The Supreme Court most definitely plays a valuable and influential role in the long term of American politics, however the current way the Court is run does not make it an effective agent
When doing anything creative, your audience wants a glimpse at you, the creator, and what was going through your mind as that concept was conceived and executed. The audience wants to know you and there is only one person who can give that to them and that is you. It is through our creative work and expressions that we are as creative people giving ourselves to the rest of the world and allowing them a glimpse inside our minds, another perspective from which to view a situation, scene or the larger world. That is a powerful tool at our disposal, that ability to show offer different perspectives and invite other minds to
At the conclusion of the documentary, I asked the students for their general thoughts about the film in order to see the reception of the learners to the documentary materials. One student noted the style of Sophie
Compare and Contrast Mitosis and Meiosis Meiosis and mitosis describes the process by which cells divide, either by asexual or sexual reproduction to produce a new organism. Meiosis is a form of cell division that produces gametes in humans these are egg cells and sperms, each with reduced or halved number of chromosomes. The number of chromosomes is restored when two gametes fuse together to form a zygote. A cell with two copies of each chromosome is called diploid cell and a cell with one copy of each chromosome is called a haploid cell.