The play of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare can be considered as a tragedy play and a tragic hero or even tragic heroes are present and the most complex character and perfect fit for this title is Brutus, he possess all the definition of a tragic hero, like any other tragic heroes Brutus possess many great traits like his strength, abilities, and his integrity and he also has great intentions for his city and was considered the most noble man in Rome, but his tragic flaws like his poor judgment would lead to his downfall and even his death. The play Julius Caesar is considered to be a tragedy type of play, and this means that the play wouldn't be complete without a tragic hero(es). Throughout the play many characters can be considered …show more content…
Brutus is considered to be the tragic hero of the play, but another character that can be called a tragic hero is the man himself Julius Caesar. Julius Caesar can be consider as a tragic hero because of his positive attributes and his tragic and fatal flaws. Caesar’s positive traits made the people of Rome to love him. For example, Julius Caesar is great at battle and a good example of that is in the beginning of the play he just won a battle against Pompey. And he is also a great leader and he cares about Rome and its people for example according to Antony “He hath brought many captives home to Rome. Whose ransoms did the general coffers fill.” (Act III, Scene 2) meaning that Caesar captured captives to Rome for ransoms and that ransom money is given to Rome to benefit the people. His positive traits alone wouldn't make him a tragic hero to be tragic hero he needs to have a tragic flaw. His tragic flaw that would led to his downfall is his arrogance. An example of his arrogance is “Caesar shall forth. The things that threatened me Ne'er looked but on my back. When they shall see The face of Caesar, they are vanished.” (Act II, Scene 2), he is saying when the people that threatens him looks at him they all vanish because they are afraid of him. Another example after Calpurnia tells him that he shouldn't go to the senate because something bad is going to happen to him, Caesar says “Caesar should be a beast without a heart, If he should stay at home today for fear. No, Caesar shall not. Danger knows full well That Caesar is more dangerous than he.” (Act II, Scene 2) he thinks that if he stays home then he would be a coward and also he says the he is more dangerous than danger. Julius Caesar is also considered as tragic hero because he has the attributes of a tragic
In the play The Tragedy of Julius Caesar the main character, Brutus, experiences many things that lead him to become a tragic hero. From the interactions between Cassius and Brutus, the two characters contract each other, Brutus’s character develops into a tragic hero, and the plot advances and a theme is also created.
In the play Julius Caesar, there is one tragic hero. Many people question who is the actual tragic hero. Know that a tragic hero is a hero with many good qualities but one tragic flaw that leads to their inevitable doom. People question whether Brutus is the tragic hero or if Caesar is the tragic hero. To end all arguments, the tragic hero of the play Julius Caesar is Caesar. He gave money to roman citizens in his will, but and his tragic flaw of being too ambitious that leads to his death of being stabbed 33 times.
Julius Caesar is a work of art by William Shakespeare in 1599. Within this play Julius Caesar is portrayed as a tragic hero. A tragic hero is defined as “the main character of a tragedy [who is] usually dignified, courageous, and high ranking” (novel study guide). Also vital to defining a tragic hero is that, “the hero’s downfall is caused by a tragic flaw” ( novel study guide). It is very evident that Julius Caesar in William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar is a tragic hero given that he is of noble stature, has a fatal flaw and comes to an unhappy end.
In 1599 Shakespeare wrote the play Julius caesar. The main character of the play Brutus as he represents a tragic hero. being a tragic hero means. He is above us but human And he falls from a high place, He struggles against his own fate, he is guilty of a fatal flaw (honor), he has an epiphany, and by the end of the play, he is dead
A tragic hero in Shakespearean literature is understood as a noble and heroic character who makes a series of bad decisions based on his bad judgment that leads to his downfall and eventually death. In William Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar, the tragic hero is Marcus Brutus, a powerful Roman senator who joins a conspiracy to assassinate the Roman ruler, Julius Caesar. Marcus Brutus is a tragic hero because of his noble reputation, his moral personality, the cathartic experience that the audience feels from his life and his tragic flaw: idealism.
William Shakespeare wrote Julius Caesar around 1599. The role of the `tragic hero' is extremely important as many of the characters in Julius Caesar exemplify the `tragic hero' qualities. Marcus Brutus, and Julius Caesar, display all the qualities of the `tragic hero': they are great men, with character flaws, and as a result of a mistake in decision-making many people suffer. In Cassius one can see these same qualities. Cassius can be seen as another tragic hero in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar.
The play, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare, has two main tragic heroes. Set in Rome and spanning from forty- four to forty-two B.C., the play tells of Brutus and Caesar whom both fall from the highest positions to the lowest of misfortune and then are enlightened on their mistakes. Brutus is the stronger example of a tragic hero in this story. Throughout this play, Brutus commits many faults, falls more drastically than all other characters, and regrets his previous actions by the end of the play.
Caesar or Brutus? Many people think that the tragic hero in Julius Caesar is Caesar, only because the title of the play. The real tragic hero is Marcus Brutus. There are many traits you can have to be a tragic hero, Brutus has at least three of them. In WIlliam Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, it is shown that Brutus is the tragic hero because he has noble stature, he has a tragic flaw, and free choice.
In the play The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Brutus is the tragic hero. Some scholars argue over whether Caesar or Brutus is the true tragic hero. Based on facts such as, Brutus is naive, cowardly, and sneaky. Cassius made Brutus do his dirty work for him, and he didn’t realize it. Brutus’ weakness is his love for Rome, Cassius picked on this weakness, talking Brutus into killing Caesar. As defined by Aristotle, a tragic hero is a literary character who makes a judgement error that leads to his/her downfall, this definition defines Brutus.
In 1599 Shakespeare wrote the play Julius Caesar. The main character of the play Brutus as he represents a tragic hero. being a tragic hero means. He is above us but human And he falls from a high place, He struggles against his own fate, he is guilty of a fatal flaw (honor), he has an epiphany, and by the end of the play, he is dead
In Julius Caesar Brutus displays the traits of a tragic hero through out this play. His tragic flaw is his being too naive. He makes an error in judgment, and when this error occurred it causes his own downfall. But Brutus causes his own downfall when after killing Caesar all of Rome turns against the conspirators. And all these events cause his death. However, the factors that have made him a tragic hero are discussed below:
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare is a tale not completely focused on Julius Caesar himself. But is instead focused more on the conspirators that surrounded him. Julius Caesar is unwilling to believe several warnings that could have saved his life, Julius Caesar ends up being murdered after ignoring all of the warnings, everyone has a different view of Julius Caesar. A tragic hero is a character of high standing in society that has a flaw that leads to their downfall and must feel enlightened in the end. Julius Caesar is a tragic hero.
In the play The Tragedy of Julius Caesar written by William Shakespeare, Marcus Brutus is proven to be the most noble tragic hero there is. A tragic hero is someone who is born of noble birth and who suffers a catastrophe, which definitely defines Brutus. “Caesar you can rest now. I didn’t kill you half as willingly” (Shakespeare 5.5.56-57) is one of the most important quotes said by Brutus to end the tragedy of the play.
A tragic hero is a great or virtuous hero often seen in a tragedy who is destined for defeat or downfall. The tragedy of Julius Caesar written by William Shakespeare is about the great emperor Julius Caesar. Caesar is murdered by his closest friends and followers who are either just jealous or fear caesar could get too powerful. Brutus can be considered as a tragic hero, because he is presented as a noble and sincere man who is led into the act of betraying a friend, and as a result he suffers many consequences. Brutus can be considered as a tragic hero because he's an honorable man whos just getting convinced by his friend cassius which seems kind of jealous because he thinks he could be at caesar position too and that it was just luck that caesar is the great emperor right now.
In tragedy plays, there is always a tragic hero who has a tragic flaw in his personality may it be excessive pride, poor judgement, or both which eventually leads to the hero’s downfall where the hero can perform no action to prevent it. In Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, Marcus Brutus is the tragic hero of the play due to his tragic flaw which is his naïve and over-trusting personality, which he eventually realizes too late and performs an action to prevent his loss of dignity.