
Julius Caesar Hero Quotes

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Brandon James Grayson ENG II/4th Block October 27, 2015 ESSAY William Shakespeare’s play, “The tragedy of Julius Caesar,” is a chronicle of amity and treachery. This correlation will result in the demise and decease of Brutus, whom some suppose is truly the tragic hero. As established by Aristotle’s definition of tragic hero, Brutus epitomizes what a tragic hero truly is. Brutus, after the happening, comprehends that the reversal of his fortune is brought about by himself when he realizes how fallacious he was in partaking in the assassination of Caesar. In my opinion Brutus is undoubtedly the authentic tragic hero. Some presume that Brutus supplied the grander statement to stir the romans, and lots agree with this. “Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more….” Some people appreciate the quote, not me for myself, but some people do. In my opinion Brutus is undoubtedly the genuine tragic hero. …show more content…

“Be patient till the last. Romans, countrymen, hear me for my cause, and be silent, that you may hear….” This is one of my favorite quotes. It strikes me in a very significant aspect. This is one of many quotes that for the most part is appreciatable. Some believe that Brutus carried the greater declaration to motivate the romans, and masses yield with this. “Censure me in your wisdom, awaken your senses, that you may the better judge….” Some individuals take this quote in a powerful way. It is one of the reasons that my opinion is in the favor of Brutus. This is a very hard quote to understand but many

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