
Julius Caesar Second Gladiator Analysis

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A lion is released to roam the field and a moan flows from the packed benches. Caesar shifts to the edge of his chair to admire the majesty of the beast. A second feline is coaxed from the further rim of the stadium. At another extremity, a gladiator materializes with helmet and face guard. He drags a net and carries a trident, the people rise.
He remains in place not intending to annoy the big cat who in turn is alert of his presence but continues to amble in a small circular space.
A second Gladiator appears, with spear and large shield and the people begin to cheer. He likewise is standing in place and a silence descends. One lion has resolved to lie down, most likely baffled as to what is taking place.
A full moment passes when the champion is raised from below ground to stand in the center of the field. Roars of praise bursts forth and the emperor stands with regal admiration. So deafening are the chants that the lions are startled and endeavor to retreat to the doors from which they were set free. Finding them shut they run close to the walls of the arena, jerking around defensively as though being assailed from behind. They roar definitely at the spectators in their …show more content…

The lion jerks away from its victim to redress this new abuse. It runs at the champion but seems to reappraise by decelerating its approach to a stalking advance. The bleeding and lacerated gladiator recovers and stealthily advances on Domitius from a blind side, hoping the cat will compromise him first. The second gladiator moves in intermittently chasing off the other lion with a threat of his net. He equally would prefer the champion engage the cat as well his fellow, thus less damage he would need to inflict to dispatch Domitius or receive from

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