A lion is released to roam the field and a moan flows from the packed benches. Caesar shifts to the edge of his chair to admire the majesty of the beast. A second feline is coaxed from the further rim of the stadium. At another extremity, a gladiator materializes with helmet and face guard. He drags a net and carries a trident, the people rise.
He remains in place not intending to annoy the big cat who in turn is alert of his presence but continues to amble in a small circular space.
A second Gladiator appears, with spear and large shield and the people begin to cheer. He likewise is standing in place and a silence descends. One lion has resolved to lie down, most likely baffled as to what is taking place.
A full moment passes when the champion is raised from below ground to stand in the center of the field. Roars of praise bursts forth and the emperor stands with regal admiration. So deafening are the chants that the lions are startled and endeavor to retreat to the doors from which they were set free. Finding them shut they run close to the walls of the arena, jerking around defensively as though being assailed from behind. They roar definitely at the spectators in their
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The lion jerks away from its victim to redress this new abuse. It runs at the champion but seems to reappraise by decelerating its approach to a stalking advance. The bleeding and lacerated gladiator recovers and stealthily advances on Domitius from a blind side, hoping the cat will compromise him first. The second gladiator moves in intermittently chasing off the other lion with a threat of his net. He equally would prefer the champion engage the cat as well his fellow, thus less damage he would need to inflict to dispatch Domitius or receive from
Lion will always try to go the extra mile to get his way, no matter what it takes. An example of this is shown on page 34 of the book; “Once when one of the guys who cleans the tables in the cafeteria told him he couldn’t be taking food off the premises, Lion told him it was okay, that he had been one of the three athletes in the nation who’d been awarded athletic scholarships to high school, and that there was an ‘all you can eat’ clause in
The clouds turned eerie and dark, as lightning struck beautifully, and the thunder roared loudly in the sky, welcoming the new king of the Lionheart Kingdom, King Leo XVI. Leo was a fortunate and young cub born in the wealthy side of the kingdom. He was chosen to be the king because his grandfather, Leo XIV had died. Leo was still a young cub, and he still had so much to discover about the world around him. He was not the typical lion who was brave, courageous, and audacious; he was more of a lazy, indolent, and an indecisive lion. As soon as he became king he moved into a paradisal and heavenly palace called Leon, where everything is what any poor animal could ever dreamed of. And what is a king without a queen? Leo decided
Throughout the film, gladiatorial games are shown to be one of the most important parts of the Roman society. Gladiatorial games and fights followed a strict procedure and ceremony. They arrived at the Colosseum through an underground tunnel. From there, they were able to access to the arena through a pair of gates reserved to them only. Additionally, the gladiators often marched in groups, with their distinctive uniform and equipment. This is displayed accurately when Maximus enters the arena through a pair of gates and works with a team of other gladiators with similar outfits. However, they did not wear fantasy helmets and bands wrapped around the lower arms and their armors are not always closely historically accurate. Moreover, Roman people loved to watch people battle to death and bloodthirsty violence as a form of entertainment. Spectators in the film cheered and chanted wildly in the Colosseum when their favorite, Maximus was battling with
It was very similar to Pompeian and Nucerian fans when insults were traded back and forth and then fights broke out. In every sport they have agents or scouts looking for new talent, it was the same in Rome. They had people search newly conquered lands to choose gladiators to fight for them. In football there are different positions such as the Quarterback or tight end, as a gladiator you could choose which type of gladiator you could fight as. Life outside of the games was rough for most gladiators, but sometimes you would have the greatest time of your life.
Gladiator tells the story of a Roman General, Maximus. Maximus has close ties with the Roman Emperor, Marcus Aurelius. When the emperor's son Commodus strangles his aging father and names himself the new emperor, he figures that one of his main opponents will be Maximus, his father's favourite. He tries to have Maximus executed, but the plan goes sour when Maximus escapes from his executioners, is sold into slavery and made into a gladiator. Gladiator also explores the argument of power, in the film power is seen through the people of Rome. So, who they follow is the one who has the power and in this film, we see the power being taken away form an emperor by a gladiator slave. The sequence I have chosen is the last ten minutes of the film
It wasn’t long until Nero and the fellow gladiators reached the amphitheatre. They were locked up like cattle, cages littered about under the amphitheatre seating. The first group was escorted to the gates, for they were to participate in the venationes, a game where they pitted wild animal against wild animal, or man. Bestiarii were generally more likely to live than the other gladiators, for the games were arranged so they would be less likely to be killed by the exotic beasts. Nero knew one of them, a boy about his age. He was from one of the more privileged families, but he had still played with the other boys. Nero didn’t remember his name, only that he was bossy. He always wanted to control what the other boys did. And so, to know that he had become a gladiator, something where you had almost no control, Nero found it almost ironic.
In the articles, “Gladiator University,” and “Did Gladiators Always Fight to the Death?” by Jennifer Marino Walters helps us change our minds about the truths of gladiators. Many people had conspiracy theories or estimates about gladiators and what they really did, but no matter how many times they would guess it always ended in a mystery. However, recent archaeological developments have changed the ways we understand how gladiators lived.
Of the many monumental constructions that the Romans built, one of the most well known is the Coliseum, where brave Gladiators would fight dangerous animals and even each other to entertain the people of Rome. When people see the great arena, it is easy for them to forget the countless men, women, and animals that died fighting each other for amusement. Most people don’t know what it took for them to fight and either win or die, or how many hours they must have spent training to have a chance at defeating their opponents. Who were these gladiators?
His excitement is echoed by his sister, " Cesar! The circus! The circus!". The circus provides him a glimpse of entertainment and how the other half lives. Back then the gladiator games gave the people a distraction from what was actually happening.
Rome had many great things, especially within their love of brutality. Many of the Roman people enjoyed to take a break from their hard, ancient, lives and watch some grown men battle people, lions, tigers, and bears to the death (oh my!).
A gladiators life was far from easy. Most were slaves, prisoners of war, or hardened criminals, therefore they were not free men. Often times they were trained and forced to take part in the events, hoping for their freedom if
I wanted to explore through media to see how gender roles are portrayed through television shows. I decided to pick How I Met Your Mother, and Arrested Development series to compare the two shows on how they are different and similar on how they represent the gender stereotypes. By comparing these shows, we could find out if the television series over time show less gender stereotype views or that it may very well still be a continuous fashion that the media will follow. Even though there gender roles that still exist in America, I think that over time we will see the changes on gender expectations by less stereotypes demonstrated in the more recent television series and movies. Through media, it is expected for the role of men in society to behave as the provider, the protector, dominate.
What is power? Power is the ability to make another person to act in your stead. Likewise, Max Weber defines power, “the probability that one actor within a social relationship will be in a position to carry out his own will despite resistance” (Luthans, 2011, p. 313). An example, politician presenting a bill to Congress and the bill passes due to having a majority of the vote despite the other politicians arguing against it. Another way to describe power, organizational behavior theorist Pfeffer says, “as the potential ability to influence behavior, to change the course of events, to overcome resistance, and to get people to do things that they would not otherwise do” (Luthans, 2011, p. 313). A child doing their homework because his or her parent impressed upon them if they did not do so they will be punished. The parent influenced the child’s behavior through coercive power. The kid feared being punished, so he or she did their homework. Each day power shapes our lives in our work, school, community, and home lives.
"Gladiators, Chariots, and the Roman Games [ushistory.org]." ushistory.org. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Oct. 2013. <http://www.ushistory.org/civ/6e.asp>.
Majestic, noble, and brave, this famous iconic wild animal on the planet has captivated the people since the beginning of time. They are most feared by other animals thus, known as the king of the jungle – no other than the lions. Member of the genus Panthera, the lion is one of the big cats in the Felidae family. A lion’s head and body size average about 4.5 to 6.5 feet and tail of about 26 to 40 inches in length. A lion also weighs about 265 up to 420 pounds and a size relative to a 6-foot human. These mammals are also carnivores. Lions have always seen hunting in groups called pride. While lions generally avoid a full-grown elephant, lions still prefer their preys large like the zebras, buffaloes, and giraffes. Poised as the top animal in the ecological pyramid, lions have strong physical qualities, fascinating reputation, and an unfortunate decreasing number of population.