
Jump For Jord Play Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

``Once you landed here you only looked forward. So why am I always looking back?`` (Jump For Jordan 13) The play Jump For Jordan, written by Donna Abela and first published on March 23rd in 2014, deals with the aspiring archeology student Sophie, who’s Palestinian father Sahir and Jordanian mother Mara came to Australia as a first generation of so called Arab Australians in order to present a better life to her later born daughters, Sophie and Loren. When Sophie reaches the age of just twenty years, she lives her mother’s home in order to pursue her dream of becoming an archeologist. About three years later her sister Loren is about to get married and for that special occasion their aunt Azza is visiting from Jordan. Sophie is willing to come back to her mother’s house, concealing that she is still …show more content…

The play is important to the author Donna Abela as she herself is a second generation Australian, as she claims in her paper Dialogic interplay: A strategy for representing difference and Cultural Diversity on stage, and Jump for Jordan: a play. Her mother is an Australian with Irish roots and her father came to Australia from Malta fleeing from post-war and unemployment (Abela 95). The idea for her character Sophie came from a close friend, who just like Sophie in the play is daughter to Jordanian and Palestinian immigrants, wanted to became an archeologist. She also left her home, not married and twenty-years-old. (88) Abela states: ``As I listened to my friend, my imagination swirled with images of archaeology and occupation and deserts, and with themes of displacement and longing, paranoia and hope.`` (88) Another motivation for her play was the absence of ``culturally diverse characters […] from our main stages`` (93) as well as the already existing racism towards Arabic community due to politics and media, which showed ``people from the Middle East as irrational, criminal and violent``

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