The Jung Personality Typology Test reveal that he has an INFJ personality, meaning he is deeply concerned about others, idealist, future oriented and intuitive. The results of the Emotional IQ assessment revealed that he is in control of his emotions and greatly aware of others emotions. The Communications Skills quiz revealed that he is an excellent communicator. The Self Esteem quiz revealed that he is comfortable with who he is and has a high ability to accept rejection. The Are You a Leader Test revealed that he is a good leader with some controlling issues. The Leadership Skills quiz revealed that he is on his way to becoming a good leader. The Leadership Style Quizzes revealed that he has a Diplomatic leadership style. Relationship Building …show more content…
A leader who is self-aware and manages their own emotions has the ability to recognize and handle other people’s emotions and can influence others to want to follow them (Clawson, n.d). A leader who possess the skills of self-awareness and regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills knows just how important this connection is (Clawson, n.d.). These skills will help to develop, influence, and motivate others towards achieving the organizational goals (Clawson, n.d). Unfortunately, there are several people skills that are lacking according to the results of the hypothetical evaluation and feedbacks. There seems to be little to no awareness of others, unless they are on the old team and no recognition of one’s self. This is contradictory of the EQ test results, where the score was high emotional awareness. Understanding others, building a rapport, showing empathy and valuing others, inspires followers to want to work towards accomplishing goals (Blanchard, n.d.). Secondly, the communication skills are in contrast with the result of the assessment. The assessment says that the Department Heads communication skills are excellent, he understands his role as a communicator, and he communicates clearly. But his performance over the past years proves there is a lack of clear communication, which has resulted
This eye-opening assessment produced 17 excels, 57 competents and 43 need to develops. There are several areas that need attention and improvement for my leadership communications skills. With practice and faith anyone can improve. From Mark
After taking the Jung Typology Test my four letters were ENFJ. According to these results my personality type is that of an extraverted individual. It states that I am a person who is outgoing, generous, talkative. It highlights I am a person who likes to be social and values relationships and collective values. I agree with this because I do believe that I am a person who loves to interact with people.
My personality type according to the Jung Typology Test is ISTJ. These letters stand for Introvert, Sensing, Thinking, and Judging. I agree with my results because, I’m introverted and would rather be by myself a majority of the time. I tend to try to make sense of things instead of allowing my intuition to take over. I think long and hard about certain outcomes that could go bad or good.
Part of a human resource leader is communication, accessibility, and empowerment of ones employees. I feel my skills in open communication, information sharing, decision fairness, outcome concern, and credibility help in many ways. Because I am credible and concerned about outcomes my employees believe in me and know that I have their backs. With good communication and information sharing my employees know that I am accessible to talk. Finally, my decision fairness empowers others to be involved in our daily tasks. I scored highest in action under core leadership skills, which include: decision making, communication, and mobilizing others. I feel this supports my frame of leadership as well. Moreover, I feel mobilizing others makes employees feel respected and valued. When employees feel their leaders are emotionally invested in them it empowers them to do well for the leader. Finally, in adaptive leadership I scored highest in organizational justice, which includes: decision fairness, information sharing, and outcome concerns. Decision fairness increases satisfaction, productivity, and keeps employees on
I took the Jung Typology Test on a bus ride home from chaperoning our senior trip to Washington, D.C. Assuming my entries weren't inadvertently affected by any bumps in the road, I would say that the results seemed to more accurately describe me than those from the Five Factor Personality Model test. Of the sixteen possible personality types, my classification was INTJ: moderate preference for introversion (41%) over extraversion, moderate preference for intuition (31%) over sensing, moderate preference for thinking (50%) over feeling, and a distinct preference for judging (59%) over perceiving.
I have just currently taken the “Jung Typology Test”. In this assessment you are given sixty-four questions, answer them honestly and you will get a sort of prediction of your personality given your answers. For my results I got “Extravert”, “Intuitive”, “Thinking”, and “Judging”, in that order, as my main personality traits. These Personality traits can be summed up in one sentence, “Extraverted thinking with introverted intuition.”, but that is only surface level discussion. Now, I will go a bit deeper and give my thoughts on the matter of my personality traits.
Upon completing the Jungian Typology task I feel much more strongly about my ability to understand myself personally. I was considered to be a mediator, which in simple form is someone who always searches for the light in the dark and endeavor to make the best out of even the worst situations. Mediators are considered to be calm in terms of behavior, reserved regarding opening up to strangers and expressing themselves, as well as shy in some situations where a high level of reserve is present. According to "When deciding how to move forward, they will look to honor, beauty, morality, and virtue", meaning mediators lead with trust, see the best in everyone regardless of their background, and respect everyone equally. In terms of the assessment regarding how productive I am, I received a score of 53 signifying my productivity techniques are efficient enough to complete whatever task I have present in the appropriate time frame
One of the two self-assessment test that I’ve taken is the “Jung Typology test”, and it gives me my results back about my personalities. Those results are ESEP (Extraverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving) and these results are very accurate, because most of the time I’m very apprehensive when it comes to reality that is superficial through senses. By feelings, decision-making in concentration of individual beings, is supplementary to sensing. By thinking, prepare to pursue authorization of the unassailability of problematical making decisions. These types are the key for easy communication such as, coming up with trusting relationships and having a group of connections. The second test that I’ve taken was the Interest Profiler, and my results came out to be Social and Investigative. Social is being a helper, enjoy helping people, working in groups with others, and have verbal and communication skills come naturally. Investigative is being a thinker, enjoy learning, and prefer working on my own pace. These results are accurate, because even though I like working
My Jungian typology is INFJ (Introverted intuitive Feeling Judging) and my learning style is auditory/visual/tactical. Reviewing the situation in the office as Jane with my typology and learning style I would have to completely take in the situation. I would first comfort the distressed employee making sure she was alright before I begin to plot my approach with Larry. Being an introvert I believe an email would be my best method of communication to clearly get my point across. I would inform Larry that the bonus plan is now null and void until further review due to the fact that he did not consult with me.
As requested, I took the Jung Typology Assessment. The results revealed my personality to be ISFJ (Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging). The first characteristic listed is the desires to serve others. An ISFJ is loyal, sometimes taken for granted, bad at delegating, but produces superior quality work. Methodical, accurate, and possess an excellent memory are more characteristics of the ISFJ personality type. They work well in a small group and make reliable coworkers; however, they tend to be awkward in a supervisory capacity. Not only is an ISFJ a great employee but they are extremely family oriented and dedicated to their intimate group of friends. If a friend or family member is in need of emotional support an ISFJ is by their side without
In the 1920’s, a Swiss psychologist named Carl Jung devised a theory. Jung didn’t accept the idea that the behaviors of people were random. Instead, he was a firm believer that the differences between individuals were a result of how people use their brains. Jung claimed that “what appears to be random behavior is actually the result of differences in the way people prefer to use their mental capacities.” (The Myers & Briggs Foundation). Jung realized that people typically function in one of two ways, take in information or make decisions, and that people usually are more comfortable alone or around others. With all these observations, Jung wrote a book titled Psychological Types, which introduced the idea of personality and psychological
Carl Jung was a swiss phychiatrist born in 1875. As a child he was close to his father, but he also felt a deep love for his mother. He believed that his father was a weak man. In Jung’s eyes, his mother was happy and cheerful, yet depressed. With his mother’s differecenting personality, Jung saw her as two different people. Whenever Jung had issues or problems as a child, he would look to his dreams and fantasies for answers. Jung specialized in psychiatry at the University of Basel. He studied under Freud yet he did not agree with some of her theories. Jung had his own ideas about personality develops due to what he observed from his parents and the people around him. Jung strongly believed that a person’s personality develops more
While intuition is information attained by means of the unconscious (Wilde, 2011). In other words, how an individual anticipates how something might happen (Wilde, 2011). Jung also stated that an individual could make a decision by thinking or feeling (Wilde, 2011). A person who thinks makes decisions based on logical thought (Wilde, 2011). An individual who makes a decision based on feeling will think of how the decision will not only affect them but how it could affect the people surrounding them. They will make decisions based on what they care for and value (Wilde, 2011). Although Jung did not create the Myers-Briggs type test, his theories were the basis of this personality measure. He contributed a great amount to the evolution of personality. Today the Myers-Briggs type test is widely used to measure personality types.
The paper discusses some key management theories with respect to managing oneself and leading others. Peter Drucker, in his book “Management Challenges for the 21st Century” (1999) has emphasized the importance of exploring and using one’s strengths, identifying areas for self-development, strengthening management skills and taking responsibility for relationships to become an effective leader. Leadership scholars Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, and Annie McKee in their book “Primal Leadership - Realizing the Power of Emotional Intelligence" (2002) have also addressed the application of emotional intelligence principles in order to better manage oneself and others. The primordial emotional role of leaders is to instill good feelings and foster pride of purpose in those they lead. “When people feel good, they work at their best” (Goleman et al., 2002, p. 14). They emphasized that great leadership works through the emotions, compared to the traditional attitude of the business culture that gives more emphasis to intellect over emotions. Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership model (1985) suggests that effective leaders choose leadership styles to match the maturity of followers, know when to place more or less emphasis on the task and on the relationships with the people, know how to get the job done successfully. Using an ethical lens, I have also discussed the leadership responsibilities in a stakeholder society, putting forward the concept of “long term value
My reaction to the “Jung Typology Test” is that it was fairly accurate. I took the Myers-Briggs test last semester for one of my classes and I got the same results. I thought that the test was very simple. However, I thought that some of the questions on the test were a little tricky to answer because I went both ways on it. Some of them were similar to each other with little variations, so it was hard to answer. Overall, I believe that the findings were true to my personality because I can relate to all the letters very well. They truly describe the type of person I am.