
Jung Personality Typology

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The Jung Personality Typology Test reveal that he has an INFJ personality, meaning he is deeply concerned about others, idealist, future oriented and intuitive. The results of the Emotional IQ assessment revealed that he is in control of his emotions and greatly aware of others emotions. The Communications Skills quiz revealed that he is an excellent communicator. The Self Esteem quiz revealed that he is comfortable with who he is and has a high ability to accept rejection. The Are You a Leader Test revealed that he is a good leader with some controlling issues. The Leadership Skills quiz revealed that he is on his way to becoming a good leader. The Leadership Style Quizzes revealed that he has a Diplomatic leadership style. Relationship Building …show more content…

A leader who is self-aware and manages their own emotions has the ability to recognize and handle other people’s emotions and can influence others to want to follow them (Clawson, n.d). A leader who possess the skills of self-awareness and regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills knows just how important this connection is (Clawson, n.d.). These skills will help to develop, influence, and motivate others towards achieving the organizational goals (Clawson, n.d). Unfortunately, there are several people skills that are lacking according to the results of the hypothetical evaluation and feedbacks. There seems to be little to no awareness of others, unless they are on the old team and no recognition of one’s self. This is contradictory of the EQ test results, where the score was high emotional awareness. Understanding others, building a rapport, showing empathy and valuing others, inspires followers to want to work towards accomplishing goals (Blanchard, n.d.). Secondly, the communication skills are in contrast with the result of the assessment. The assessment says that the Department Heads communication skills are excellent, he understands his role as a communicator, and he communicates clearly. But his performance over the past years proves there is a lack of clear communication, which has resulted

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