After taking the Jung typology test, I was astonished how the results described my disposition down to the minute details. My personality type is introvert, intuitive, feeling, and judging, INFJ for short. INFJs love people, but tend to only share their feelings with a selective few. Perceived as dreamers and doers, this unique combination of vision along with practicality enables INFJs to accomplish great humanitarian feats. Often they are deeply concerned for the people surrounding them, but when situations begin to get to emotionally tolling, this personality type tend to seclude into themselves pushing everyone away. Additionally, they often take on a disproportionate amount of responsibility. My persona matches the test results exactly.
Within the Jung Typology Test (JTT) it states that my type of personality is introverted, sensing, feeling and judging. The results indicated I am an introvert over extrovert, the score showed 56%. There was a marginal or no preference to sensing over intuition at 1% for this result. Moderate preference to feeling over thinking at 25%, and a strong preference to judging over perceiving at 78%. So this is saying that I am an introverted sensing with extroverted feeling.
After taking the Jung Typology Test my four letters were ENFJ. According to these results my personality type is that of an extraverted individual. It states that I am a person who is outgoing, generous, talkative. It highlights I am a person who likes to be social and values relationships and collective values. I agree with this because I do believe that I am a person who loves to interact with people.
Knowing and analyzing your personality test is like taking a picture of yourself while in front of a mirror. Taking the time to make an honest assessment of your personality and how that affects others around you is an intimidating self-reflection. Before to taking the Jung Typology test, I expected generic results, but once reading the test questions and receiving the results I was hooked. Uncovering my personality preferences allowed me to understand why I gravitate to certain activities and norms in my personal and professional life. Edgar’s Personality Type
B. According to the site, it says that those with this personality type have a keen sense of right and wrong and are known to be on time. They do best following step- by-step procedures, go by just the facts, and are dependable enough to carry something through (even if it negatively effects them). When someone is inconsistent, they are frustrated but usually keep that to themselves to keep away from a conflict. My personality type makes tough decisions and sticks to them. Suggested careers are in administrative management, management, accounting, dentist or dental assistant. Famous people who share this personality
So together, over the next several years, the mother daughter team, using much of Jung’s work as a foundation, tinkered and toyed, until they fit Jung’s theories into a practical questionnaire that could be utilized in such a way as to determine a person’s individual psychological “type”. Over the years that questionnaire has been continually updated, modified, and refined. Today, it is largely considered the most trusted personality assessment available.
My personality type according to the Jung Typology Test is ISTJ. These letters stand for Introvert, Sensing, Thinking, and Judging. I agree with my results because, I’m introverted and would rather be by myself a majority of the time. I tend to try to make sense of things instead of allowing my intuition to take over. I think long and hard about certain outcomes that could go bad or good.
The Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test resulted in an Introvert Intuitive Feeling Judging (INFJ) profile. Those who exhibit the INFJ profile are described as people with a strong humanitarian view of the world who possess a tendency towards idealism. In addition, the INFJs have few friends, however, those friendships are intimate. At times the INFJ will withdraw as it is necessary for them to recharge as they are susceptible to
The Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test provided me with unexpected results. The test showed me that I am more of an extravert over introvert, I have a “slight preference of sensing over intuition”, I have “no preference of thinking over feeling”, and I have “slight preference of judging over perceiving.” These results surprised me slightly while also telling me things I already expected.
I have just currently taken the “Jung Typology Test”. In this assessment you are given sixty-four questions, answer them honestly and you will get a sort of prediction of your personality given your answers. For my results I got “Extravert”, “Intuitive”, “Thinking”, and “Judging”, in that order, as my main personality traits. These Personality traits can be summed up in one sentence, “Extraverted thinking with introverted intuition.”, but that is only surface level discussion. Now, I will go a bit deeper and give my thoughts on the matter of my personality traits.
ISFJ Introvert (22%) Sensing (3%) Feeling (9%) Judging (56%) Commenting on how the results of my Jung Typology Personality Test is that I do agree with the results of the test.
Jung is simply noted for his theories of the collective unconscious, synchronicity, and archetypes. He was also a motivator for finding personal observations in our own lives. As a matter of fact, many of his theories came from studies done by patients he was treating. Jung’s synchronicity theory, which is based merely off of coincidence, is ongoing occurrence in my life. There was once a time where I found myself checking a horoscope to observe how my day was going to turn out versus how it actually happened.
The INFJ personality is known to be the world rarest personality type and often misunderstood. This type stand for a percentage of less than 2% of the overall world population according to Holm (2009), the majority of that percentage being female and some famous INFJ that can be named are Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King and Mother Teresa. My INFJ in academic and business milieu: from the past week assignment, my preferred four letters chosen base on the instructions received from Myers-Briggs type indicator were INFJ, which stands for Introverting, iNtuiting, Feeling and Judging. For this week assignment I was very surprise after taking the Jungian test to discover that my personality type fours letter were confirmed to be the same INFJ. Having my conformed INFJ profile means that in business milieu, my creativity and sense of responsibility come in first. Although as an INFJ I’m strongly introverted, I nevertheless highly care about my relationship with other individuals. At work I’m open to communication and always available when it comes to help colleagues to carry out on tasks or explaining work procedures. However, my personality type also implies that I can have sudden need for personal time away from others, which is my way to recharge and regain my energy. In an academic milieu, I’m more focus on setting and reaching my goals; I get motivated by planning in advance my studying weeks and do a lot of efforts to meet my assignment deadlines. I can get emotionally
While being here at Mid-America Christian University and taking classes I have had the pleasure of taking this test more than once and each time my personality seems to have changed. The type of personality which was generated from this Jung Typology personality test identified me as being and ISFJ. It showed that I am an ISFJ Introvert (22%) Sensing (3%) Feeling (9%) Judging (56%). This assessment in looking at the results is a fairly accurate assessment of my personality. The personality type which is most consistence with my perception of myself would be that of being an “Introvert” which showed a 22%.
The INFJ personality is known to be the world rarest personality type and often misunderstood. This type stand for a percentage of less than 2% of the overall world population according to Holm (2009), the majority of that percentage being female and some famous INFJ that can be named are Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King and Mother Teresa. My INFJ in academic and business milieu: from the past week assignment, my preferred four letters chosen base on the instructions received from Myers-Briggs type indicator were INFJ, which stands for Introverting, iNtuiting, Feeling and Judging. For this week assignment I was very surprise after taking the Jungian test to discover that my personality type fours letter were confirmed to be the same INFJ. Having my conformed INFJ profile means that in business milieu, my creativity and sense of responsibility come in first. Although as an INFJ I’m strongly introverted, I nevertheless highly care about my relationship with other individuals. At work I’m open to communication and always available when it comes to help colleagues to carry out on tasks or explaining work procedures. However, my personality type also implies that I can have sudden need for personal time away from others, which is my way to recharge and regain my energy. In an academic milieu, I’m more focus on setting and reaching my goals; I get motivated by
My reaction to the “Jung Typology Test” is that it was fairly accurate. I took the Myers-Briggs test last semester for one of my classes and I got the same results. I thought that the test was very simple. However, I thought that some of the questions on the test were a little tricky to answer because I went both ways on it. Some of them were similar to each other with little variations, so it was hard to answer. Overall, I believe that the findings were true to my personality because I can relate to all the letters very well. They truly describe the type of person I am.