
Jung Typology Test Essay

Decent Essays

In the Jung Typology Test, it measures your personality type. I have taken a similar test before so I was curious as to my results. Some of the questions asked really challenged me think and was hard to answer. A couple of the questions I could have answered both yes and no. When I came to questions like that I tried to figure out what I did the most. To be honest I had to ask my husband what he thought, because sometimes people know you better than you know yourself. I was also in denial with myself on some of the questions. My personality type is ENFJ. Extravert 41%, iNtuitive 38%, Feeling 12%, and Judging 56%. According to the Jung Typology Test ENFJ’s are has charisma, are able to manipulate people, have great interpersonal skills as well as salesmanship, believe in their dreams and are helpers and enablers. It also said that I was a global learner and see the big picture. What really hit home for me is that they mentioned organization, decisiveness, feelers and neglect my own needs. I consider myself a very charismatic person. In previous jobs people loved to work with me because I always kept a up beat spirit. Everyone who knows me always says I have a way of getting people to do what I want. I do not do it on purpose most of the time. Being able to manipulate people comes …show more content…

Immediately I noticed that a extravert is more of the external world and intuition is someone who receives information from the internal world. It is amazing that I am to pull from both the external and internal world. I use my intuition a lot. I base most of my decisions on how I feel on the inside and what I think is best. I also use my senses. Earlier I mentioned that some of the questions I had a hard time answering and it was the questions regarding sensing and intuition. I feel like I use both of these depending on the situation. As a counselor both of these can be of great value. This can help me when making hard decisions as a

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