In the Jung Typology Test, it measures your personality type. I have taken a similar test before so I was curious as to my results. Some of the questions asked really challenged me think and was hard to answer. A couple of the questions I could have answered both yes and no. When I came to questions like that I tried to figure out what I did the most. To be honest I had to ask my husband what he thought, because sometimes people know you better than you know yourself. I was also in denial with myself on some of the questions. My personality type is ENFJ. Extravert 41%, iNtuitive 38%, Feeling 12%, and Judging 56%. According to the Jung Typology Test ENFJ’s are has charisma, are able to manipulate people, have great interpersonal skills as well as salesmanship, believe in their dreams and are helpers and enablers. It also said that I was a global learner and see the big picture. What really hit home for me is that they mentioned organization, decisiveness, feelers and neglect my own needs. I consider myself a very charismatic person. In previous jobs people loved to work with me because I always kept a up beat spirit. Everyone who knows me always says I have a way of getting people to do what I want. I do not do it on purpose most of the time. Being able to manipulate people comes …show more content…
Immediately I noticed that a extravert is more of the external world and intuition is someone who receives information from the internal world. It is amazing that I am to pull from both the external and internal world. I use my intuition a lot. I base most of my decisions on how I feel on the inside and what I think is best. I also use my senses. Earlier I mentioned that some of the questions I had a hard time answering and it was the questions regarding sensing and intuition. I feel like I use both of these depending on the situation. As a counselor both of these can be of great value. This can help me when making hard decisions as a
Upon completion of the Jung Typology Test, I realized that I fell in the middle of two of the types listed. I received the results for Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging (INTJ). My results by percentage were Introvert (9%) iNtuitive (9%) Thinking (3%) Judging (28%). The second type was Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging (INFJ) because I received three percent in the Thinking category. After reading the descriptions and career choices, I feel I am more related to the INFJ than the INTJ. Knowing my personality type assist me with school because it explains my need to understand what I am trying to write about before I write it. It also explains why I feel as if I am an Introvert at home and at times I have feeling of being an Extrovert.
Within the Jung Typology Test (JTT) it states that my type of personality is introverted, sensing, feeling and judging. The results indicated I am an introvert over extrovert, the score showed 56%. There was a marginal or no preference to sensing over intuition at 1% for this result. Moderate preference to feeling over thinking at 25%, and a strong preference to judging over perceiving at 78%. So this is saying that I am an introverted sensing with extroverted feeling.
After taking the Jung Typology Test my four letters were ENFJ. According to these results my personality type is that of an extraverted individual. It states that I am a person who is outgoing, generous, talkative. It highlights I am a person who likes to be social and values relationships and collective values. I agree with this because I do believe that I am a person who loves to interact with people.
I am able to make my decisions based off of this. Extraverted feeling also applies to me because I am able to express my opinions to other people in everyday situations. There are other descriptions written within the results about the personality type of ESFJ that I noticed really apply to me and my personality. The description says that these people “…enjoy and joyfully observe traditions and are liberal in giving, especially where custom prescribes.” I am a traditional person who likes to follow the norm.
Extravert definition is an outgoing, overly expressive person ( I am definitely a outgoing person. I do not know a stranger. In my profession as a professional basketball trainer I have to be out going person. I deal with hundreds of kids at once and if I don’t have a personality for that many kids then I will not have positive effect on them. I also am an expressive person but I don’t not think overly. If I am over expressive it has to be on something I love to express to other people. For an example church related things and basketball is something I can be overly expressive about.
I was an ENFP type on the Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test. My results were 28% Extravert, 12% iNuitive, 44% Feeling, and 3% Perceiving. I agree with the majority of the findings. I am definitely an extravert. When I was very young I always tried to find something I liked or something unusual about the cashier or sale person so I could comment on it. I would say I really like your rings, earrings, hair, etc. I did this because it made the person smile and she would usually start a conversation.
As someone who reads my horoscope everyday and loves the Myers Briggs personality test, I was eager to take the Jung Typology Test. As I took the test, it made me question myself as a person and the actions I make. Would I rather stay inside for the night and read a book, or go to a party? Honestly, the answer depends on the day and my mood. I scored an “ENFJ” for my Jung Typology Test, and I was not shocked by the results.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the results of my Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test. With knowledge of my personality type I explain what I learned from these tests with examples from the book Type Talk at Work. The first part of the discussion explains each letter in the INTJ personality and an overall description of how the different parts of the personality work together. The second part of the discussion talks about lessons learned from using the personality tests. This part discusses what I learned about myself that could make me a better employee and what I learned about these personality tests that could make me a better employee. What is learned is supported with the material from the book Type Talk at Work. Throughout the paper there are examples on how this information can lead to improvements in relationships, improvements to yourself, and improvements to those
During the power point on the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, as the instructor went through the different types of personalities, I was able to recognize which subcategories I fall into almost instantly. When my computer personality test results were returned, I was correct. As I read the type descriptions of Extroversion, Intuition, Feeling, and Judging- ENFJ- I quickly recognized myself within the descriptive words.
I was very happy to have been given the opportunity to take these self-assessment tests. I always had an idea as far as what my personality is defined as, but it’s interesting to see where my strengths and weaknesses are. With the Jungian Typology test I scored 59% Introvert, 34% Sensing, 19% Thinking, and 31% Judging. After receiving this score and reading how each is defined, none of this surprised me. Sharing the results with my mother, her response was, “No surprise there!” I have always tried having some understanding of my personality in hopes of finding the right career path for me. I must admit that this has opened my eyes to how detail oriented and focused I can be, especially if it’s something I care about. This can be both good
In the webtext i completed both assessments, the first which was the Jungian Typology quiz. After taking this quiz it informed me that I am:34% Introvert, 31% Intuitive, 12% feeling and 16% judging.
As requested, I took the Jung Typology Assessment. The results revealed my personality to be ISFJ (Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging). The first characteristic listed is the desires to serve others. An ISFJ is loyal, sometimes taken for granted, bad at delegating, but produces superior quality work. Methodical, accurate, and possess an excellent memory are more characteristics of the ISFJ personality type. They work well in a small group and make reliable coworkers; however, they tend to be awkward in a supervisory capacity. Not only is an ISFJ a great employee but they are extremely family oriented and dedicated to their intimate group of friends. If a friend or family member is in need of emotional support an ISFJ is by their side without
For the Jung personality test, my results were slightly different. My personality type was ENFP. This stands for Extrovert, iNtuitive, Feeling, and Percieving. My percentage of preference for each one was 78% towards extroverts, 3% intuitive, 66% feeling, and 25% percieving. These are artistic, creative people who are good at almost any job that requires interacting with many people. They are social butterflies and are good at communicating when it comes to jobs that involve being around and dealing with a lot of people throughout the day. These are the results that came with the personality type ENFP.
My ENFJ personality described as an extroverted person in life. For instance, I enjoy getting involved in different activities and events which bring out my energetic nature (16personalities, 2016). My preference is being around people and interacting with them on a personal level as much as possible, and I
My reaction to the “Jung Typology Test” is that it was fairly accurate. I took the Myers-Briggs test last semester for one of my classes and I got the same results. I thought that the test was very simple. However, I thought that some of the questions on the test were a little tricky to answer because I went both ways on it. Some of them were similar to each other with little variations, so it was hard to answer. Overall, I believe that the findings were true to my personality because I can relate to all the letters very well. They truly describe the type of person I am.