JROTC is called the Junior Officer Training Corps. This class is only offered in high school so take it now while you can or suffer the consequences in the future. This class will teach you the basics of how to become a better individual and in the best way to prepare you for life outside of high school. Think about what kind of job you want in the future. What is required of you? How do you need to dress? How do you need to act? What are some of the responsibilities that you need to consider? These are several questions when considering permanent employment. And this is the class that you should take to learn how to become a better individual. This first aspect is being in physical shape, where you’ll be able to do Air Force workouts called PT or as we call it physical training. Students may ask why they must run, well one it’s a part of your grade towards your final exam and you also get to run to release all stress built up during the week. On Fridays, you will get the chance to run one mile or one mile and a half as fast as you can to train for the exam. Not to mention …show more content…
Now when you think about the word courtesy you will think that means nothing, but politeness. Courtesy is being noticeable toward someone’s attitude and being able to deal with it in the sense of confronting the individual. This could come into play when your teacher chews you out about a certain assignment for example. Then the right thing to do would be to understand what they are telling you and let it go from there. All that is needed is to note what the teacher is trying to inform you about. Then take whatever kind of criticism he/she gives and move on from there. Courtesy is something big that everyone should learn especially in middle school if not high school. All this is basically doing is preparing anybody for early college life or adulthood. This teaches individuals how to become a better person from the minute you walk in the
The JROTC program at Blackman High School consists of students from freshmen to seniors as well as two adult instructors. The two instructors consist of a retired officer known as the Senior Army Instructor (SAI) and a retired enlisted known as the Army Instructor (AI). There is no application process as students simply sign up for the class during registration.
Since my freshman year, I have been a part of Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC ). I joined the JROTC raider team my junior year, while on the team, I realized that my teammates were skeptical about success. Making them feel as though as if success was a fantasy, I felt the need to uplift and lead my teammates the best I could, heeding to their skepticism. Being in JROTC has taught to take charge when in the opportunity presents itself. All that asked my teammates to do was to outperform themselves every single day. I was taking a risk of carrying the burden that my teammates carried. I used the qualities that I learned in JROTC to motivate and lead my team to success. Using the mantra “do better than yesterday” to remind my teammates
JROTC has a very interesting history. JROTC was originally started by the National Defense Act of 1916 which authorized high schools the loan of federal military equipment and the assignment of active duty military personnel as instructors (http://www.usarmyjrotc.com/jrotc-history). In 1964 the Vitalization Act opened up JROTC to other branches and replaced most of the active duty instructors with retired members from the armed forces. Title 10 of the U.S. Code declares that "the purpose of Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps is to instill in students in United States secondary educational institutions the value of citizenship, service to the United States, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment."(http://www.usarmyjrotc.com/jrotc-history).
You have probably heard about JROTC already before, but do you know how different JROTC is today than how it was 100 years ago? Maybe any historical events that has been contributed to the Army JROTC? Well if you don’t then I would consider for you to keep reading! First of all JROTC stands for Junior Reserves Officers Training Corps and this program has been around for 100 years now and I think there have been huge changes from yesterday to what it is today to what it will be tomorrow.
JROTC, also known as Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps, is a program that is offered in high school, which gives students an introduction to the U.S. Army. The main mission of this program is to motivate young people to become better citizens. This program teaches self-discipline, confidence, and pride in a job well done. It offers many challenges and opportunities which is surely able to increase one’s life skills and leadership skills, such as sharpening your communication skills, strengthen your self-esteem, and improving your physical fitness. Throughout its century-long history, multiple things had changed, while other things stayed the same, but the ROTC program will continue to remain as a promising existence for years to come.
Have you ever thought of joining the JROTC? If so wait how about you learn the history behind JROTC first. In 1916, the Vitalization Act opened JROTC up to the other services and replaced most of the active duty instructors with retirees who would teach JROTC. High schools were given loan for federal military equipment and the assignment of active duty military personnel as instructors. JROTC has changed throughout the years. It was once used to find recruits and officer candidates. It than soon became a citizenship program to help improve moral, physical and educational strengths for high school students. It also made students learn discipline and order.
The JROTC has changed tremendously since its inception a hundred years back. The program commenced as a primary source of enlisted recruits and officer
JROTC is a program to help students graduate from high school, help them become a better citizens, and help them grow with their strengths and help build their weaknesses up. JROTC will also prepare students for their future in possibly joining in the army.
My experience in JROTC was great. Will help me to know more about the history of US, have patriotism, self-reliance and be responsible improve the ability to communicate oral and in writing have the knowledge of team building and basic military skills
The foundation of JROTC began with the passage of the National Defense Act in 1916. Declaring that the goal of the program is to influence high school students across the United States to be better citizens. Giving the opportunity to young adults to excel in every area and to involve them in leadership roles. Over time JROTC has changed to become more modern in certain areas but, still pertaining to the original purpose and motive. A 100 years from now this program will most likely expand, have different ways of learning, and overall increase academic excellence in high school students
In my four years I have accomplish many things being in Horn Lake High School Marine Corps JROTC program. They have showed and taught me things that I can take further on in life with the camps and the leadership. I have seen first had on what it’s like to be a United States Marine in boot camp. I’ve also meet the CEO/founder of FedEx. JROTC has open me up to amazing opportunities that probably would have never happen if I wasn’t in the program.
Becoming a NJROTC cadet has taught me many things, things that I know will be useful later in life. Obedience, loyalty, and leadership are many qualities that I have obtained while being in NJROTC. Having a structure system in place helps with motivation and determination in having a foundation set up as growing as one. I remember coming into class my first day nervous, anxious, and ready to start learning. I watched others take on responsibilities like teaching us how to march and how to set up our uniforms properly.
Since freshman year, the Junior Reserves Officer Training Corps (JROTC) program has been an invisible hand of guidance that strived to bring out the best in me. This longstanding program has an impact on me in ways so innovative, it is impossible to find another program filled with diverse exhibitions of life lessons, discipline, and teamwork. JROTC has given me a lifelong readiness to combat the harsh realities of the real world that exist, which in return has helped me better myself and my community in contributions to being a citizen in the United States of America.
My experience with JROTC began my freshman year at Forestville Military Academy through my senior year at Parkdale High School. At the very beginning of this opportunity i realized that i enjoyed participating in JROTC more and more everyday that passed. Only problem, like others was the uniform. Of course they were uncomfortable a first but then you get used to it. You get to make the uniform yours. It's almost like a new set of skin that sooner or later you're gonna have to get used to it.Slowly everyday you get a little more used to the way of obeying to the rules. This experience has been the most absolute fun experience of my entire high school memories. Favorite things to do was anything involving JROTC. From community service to
Please consider my request to be recommended to attend the Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy (SNCOA) in-residence course. This course provides a unique opportunity to develop strategic-level leadership and mentoring skills while increasing exposure to organizational culture of the Active and Reserve components. I believe that in my current position it is vital that I receive the opportunity to improve my techniques to enhance my leadership abilities and skills in order to mentor our future leaders and develop valuable management tools to aid me in future mission challenges.