
Junior Officer Training Corps

Decent Essays

JROTC is called the Junior Officer Training Corps. This class is only offered in high school so take it now while you can or suffer the consequences in the future. This class will teach you the basics of how to become a better individual and in the best way to prepare you for life outside of high school. Think about what kind of job you want in the future. What is required of you? How do you need to dress? How do you need to act? What are some of the responsibilities that you need to consider? These are several questions when considering permanent employment. And this is the class that you should take to learn how to become a better individual. This first aspect is being in physical shape, where you’ll be able to do Air Force workouts called PT or as we call it physical training. Students may ask why they must run, well one it’s a part of your grade towards your final exam and you also get to run to release all stress built up during the week. On Fridays, you will get the chance to run one mile or one mile and a half as fast as you can to train for the exam. Not to mention …show more content…

Now when you think about the word courtesy you will think that means nothing, but politeness. Courtesy is being noticeable toward someone’s attitude and being able to deal with it in the sense of confronting the individual. This could come into play when your teacher chews you out about a certain assignment for example. Then the right thing to do would be to understand what they are telling you and let it go from there. All that is needed is to note what the teacher is trying to inform you about. Then take whatever kind of criticism he/she gives and move on from there. Courtesy is something big that everyone should learn especially in middle school if not high school. All this is basically doing is preparing anybody for early college life or adulthood. This teaches individuals how to become a better person from the minute you walk in the

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